Dexter Chamber of Commerce Weekly Events Schedule for Monday, November 12th - Sunday, November 198th.
Monday: November 12
Community Dance at the American Legion across from West Park from 6:30pm-8:30pm
Veterans Day Observance - City and Chamber Office Closed
Tuesday: November 13
Children's Story Hour-"Wonky Donkey"-presented by Tracy Horton and Christy Dorton Keller Public Library-Community Room at 10:15am
BUSINESS AFTER HOURS NewWave Communications 1007 N. One Mile Rd from 5:00-6:30 pm-Please stop by to check out their business and what specials they have!
Wednesday: November 14
RIBBON CUTTING EVENT- Echoes Inc. Thrift Store at 1:00pm 1201 CR 431
Thursday: November 15
RIBBON CUTTING EVENT- Smart Marketing at Chamber of Commerce Building 515 W. Market-9:30am
Saturday: November 17
-Annual Used Book Sale-Keller Public Library -Community Room from 9:00am-2:00pm
-Heartland Quilters Guild Meeting-Stoddard County Nutrition Center-10:00am
Sunday: November 18
Community Thanksgiving Service Hosted by Dexter Ministerial Alliance Location; First General Baptist Church 27 East Castor at 6:00pm
Upcoming Events:
November 24th-10th Annual The Christmas Reading Second Chapter of Luke at 6:00pm
Locations: 130 W. Stoddard Street, Across from Rainey-Mathis Funeral Home
Full Member Winter Luncheon at Hickory Log December 7th at 11:30am Get Tickets Early!
Annual Awards Banquet February 9th at Elks Lodge doors open at 5:00pm
**NOTE: We are seeking nominations for: Business of the Year, Organization of the Year, Industry of the Year, Educator of the Year, and Distinguished Citizen of the Year.

Dexter, Missouri - Sacred Heart Toy Drive will begin November 19th and end on December 12, 2018. Please be inspired to help children in the community this holiday season by volunteering or donating to this toy drive.
Sacred Heart Toy Drive will collect gently used toys then distribute them on Saturday, December 15th from 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. at the Sacred Heart Church gym.
Any parent/guardian can come pick out a few toys. Volunteers will also be needed to organize the toys prior to the event.
Please contact Cassandra Pulley at 573.820.6436 if you have any questions, would like to volunteer, or just need help collecting the toys.
Drop off locations are Sonic located at 702 North One Mile Road, St. Francis Fitness Plus located at 1212 St. Francis Drive, and Sacred Heart Catholic Church (call for times at 573.624.7333.

Small Business Saturday is November 24, 2018! Shop Local!
Back in 2010 small businesses were really hurting do to our economy. American Express launched Small Business Saturday to help local businesses prosper!
"In an effort to support local shops that make our communities strong, American Express launches Small Business Saturday® on the Saturday after Thanksgiving — to encourage people to Shop Small and bring more holiday shopping to small businesses."
In 2011, the Senate unanimously passes a resolution in support of the day. By 2012, officials in all 50 states participate. It even gets a shoutout from the President of the United States.
In 2017, an estimated 108 million consumers reported shopping or dining at local independently-owned businesses on Small Business Saturday — generating roughly $12 billion in reported spend.
As shopping small catches on in communities everywhere, Small Business Saturday goes from a cause to a day of community celebration with 90% of consumers being surveyed said Small Business Saturday has had a positive impact on their community.
So Shop Local, Shop Small Business Saturday!

Dexter, Missouri - The Keller Public Library will have their annual book sale on Saturday, November 17, 2018 between 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Everyone loves books! They also make great Christmas gifts and stocking stuffers.