Local Schools
DHS Daily Announcements - Thursday, September 20, 2018
September 20th 2018 by Dee Loflin
Dexter High School Daily Announcements for Thursday, September 20th, 2018
Celebrating Birthdays this week
Ann Marie Slaton - 17th
Madison Slaton - 17th
Gaige Willems - 17th
Rylee Boyer -19th
Harley Hagy - 19th
Caladan Parker - 19th
Brett Warren - 19th
Ashyln Cunningham - 20th
Bradley Langston - 20th
Ryan Strickland-20th
Emma Wamble - 20th
Evi Bailey - 21st
Mackenzie Raley - 22nd
Drew Soule - 22nd
Colton Evans - 23rd
The Homecoming Dance will be after the game and ends at 11:30. Admission is $3.00
Today is the final day to turn in guest permission forms. All guests must be on the approved list to enter the dance.
Students planning to attend the Homecoming Dance must have all their fines and fees paid (including parking tickets) and their lunch account balance must not be greater than $10.00
The class of 2019 class flower is the sunflower. The class color is gold, the class song is "Have it All" by Jason Mraz, and the class motto is "You only live once, but once you live like us, once is enough."
Congrats to the following medalists at the Van Buren cross country meet: Margo Nea 2nd, Grace Milam 13th, Fuyu Fujii 25th, Gavin Cartwright 6th, Andrew Ellinghouse 14th.
Both boys and girls teams finished third.
Senior Band Members will have their group picture today during advisory.
There will be a PEP Rally on Friday during advisory. Plans are to dismiss students before the end of 7th period. (exact time TBD)
There will be boys basketball open gym today after school until 5:00 pm in the BEC.
FCA breakfast will be Friday at the Lutheran Church at 7:15 am.
Membership drive for the SkillsUSA/Industrial Arts Club will begin Monday, September 24th and end October 26th. The club dues are $15. Checks can be made out to Dexter Industrial Arts Club.
Also, the Club Fundraiser will begin Oct. 17 thru Oct. 31st.
FCCLA members need to come by Mrs. Smith's room to pick up fundraising forms. Our fundraiser starts Sept. 17-28. FCCLA membership dues are $15 and are due to Mrs. Smith by Wed, Sept. 19.
There will be an FCCLA meeting during advisory on Wed. Sept. 26
Running for Ryder Bearcat Community 5K is September 22nd at 7:30 am. Entries will be accepted up until race time. Shirts are not guaranteed for late entries.
DHS Students - Tutoring for all core subjects is available. Tutoring will be in the library Monday-Thursday from 7:30 am -8:10 am and 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm.
FBLA Members - If you haven't already, please sign up to join FBLA on the Google Form and pay your $10 dues by the 20th. FBLA Meeting will be in the library during advisory on Tuesday, Sept. 18th. The Six Flags sign up form is also on the FBLA web page and your $40 for the ticket is due on the 20th. Those "buying up" for their donut sales must have this money paid before the Six Flags sign up deadline on the 20th or your ticket will not be ordered.
Calendar / Upcoming Events
Thursday September 20th
Spirit Week - Follow the Yellow Brick Road - College/Career Attire
FCCLA Fundraiser
Girls Tennis vs. Caruthersville at home, 4:00 pm
Volleyball vs. Bell City at 6:00 pm, bus 5:00 pm
Advisory - Book Club / Intramurals
Friday, September 21st
Spirit Week - There’s No Place Like DHS! RED & BLACK
FCCLA Fundraiser
FCA Breakfast at Faith Lutheran Church at 7:15 am
Girls Tennis at Semo Conference Tournament at Notre Dame, bus TBD
2018 Fall Homecoming Queen Coronation at 6:30 pm
Varsity Football vs. Doniphan at 7:00 pm
Homecoming Dance - after game until 11:30 pm
Advisory - PEP RALLY - in DHS Gym
Last Updated on September 20th 2018 by Dee Loflin