Local Schools

2018 DHS Homecoming Candidates
September 19th 2018 by Dee Loflin
2018 DHS Homecoming Candidates

Dexter, Missouri - The 2018 Homecoming Candidates have been announced.  Homecoming Queen coronation will take place at 6:30 p.m. Friday, September 21, 2018 at Charles Bland Stadium.

The Football Team nominated Malia Cook and Emily Smith.

The Cross Country Team nominated Hannah Smith and Fuyu Fujii.

The Football Cheer Team nominated Olivia Lacy and Hallie Keathley.

The Girls Tennis Team nominated Hannah Bollinger and Maci McBride.

The Volleyball Team nominated Alexa Werneck and Maycie Martin.

Pictured back row from left to rightt:  Hallie Keathly, Hannah Bollinger, Maycie Martin, Alexa Werneck

Front row from left to right:  Fuyu Fujii, Malia Cook, Olivia Lacy, Hannah Smith, Emily Smith, Maci McBride

Last Updated on September 19th 2018 by Dee Loflin

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