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Severe Weather Awareness Week 2018
March 06th 2018 by Dee Loflin
Severe Weather Awareness Week 2018

Stoddard County, Missouri - When the National Weather Service in Paducah, KY issues a statement, watch or warning the ShowMe Times sends out a Text Alert, posts an article to the website, Facebook and Twitter.  You can sign-up for Text Alerts by going to the website and click the Text Alert graphic.

Severe weather can strike at any time in Missouri, making it important for all of us to be prepared to find the most secure shelter available no matter where we are. Today's statewide tornado drill is an excellent opportunity for Missourians to practice their sheltering plans and ensure readiness in case of a severe weather emergency. The statewide drill provides schools, businesses and families with an opportunity to test their planning and readiness to be able to quickly seek appropriate shelter in case of a real severe weather emergency. By practicing and increasing readiness across the state, Missourians will feel confident and prepared in the event of actual severe weather emergencies.

Missouri’s annual Statewide Tornado Drill is part of Severe Weather Awareness Week, which includes:

Monday – Preparedness Day

Tuesday – Tornado Safety Day, including a tornado drill at 10:00 a.m.

Wednesday – Flash Flood Safety Day

Thursday – Severe Thunderstorm Day

Friday – NOAA Weather Radio Day

Last Updated on March 06th 2018 by Dee Loflin

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