Dexter, Missouri - The second candidate of the evening for the 2017 Miss DHS was senior, Rhylan Hillis.
She is the daughter of Tory Hillis and Darren Hillis.
Rhylan's activities include volleyball, football cheerleader, basketball cheerleader, track and field, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Future Teachers of America, Future Business Leaders of America, Sr. Beta Club, National Honor Society, Student Council, Top 10%, Teens Against Smoking Coalition, Honors Choir, and Model UN.
Her future plans are to attend and cheer at the University of Mississippi. She will major in journalism and hopefully pursue a career in broadcasting.
Rhylan was escorted by her brother, Haden Hillis.
His also the son of Tory Hillis and Darren Hillis.
When asked to describe his sister in three words, Haden said, "The Perfect Child!"