Local Schools

2017 Miss DHS Candidate Rhylan Hillis
September 02nd 2017 by Dee Loflin
2017 Miss DHS Candidate Rhylan Hillis

Dexter, Missouri - The second candidate of the evening for the 2017 Miss DHS was senior, Rhylan Hillis.

She is the daughter of Tory Hillis and Darren Hillis.

Rhylan's activities include volleyball, football cheerleader, basketball cheerleader, track and field, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Future Teachers of America, Future Business Leaders of America, Sr. Beta Club, National Honor Society, Student Council, Top 10%, Teens Against Smoking Coalition, Honors Choir, and Model UN.

Her future plans are to attend and cheer at the University of Mississippi.  She will major in journalism and hopefully pursue a career in broadcasting.

Rhylan was escorted by her brother, Haden Hillis.

His also the son of Tory Hillis and Darren Hillis.

When asked to describe his sister in three words, Haden said, "The Perfect Child!"

Last Updated on September 02nd 2017 by Dee Loflin

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2017 Miss DHS Candidate Morgan Aldridge
September 02nd 2017 by Dee Loflin
2017 Miss DHS Candidate Morgan Aldridge

Dexter, Missouri - The first candidate of the evening for the 2017 Miss DHS was senior, Morgan Aldridge.

Morgan is the daughter of Jimmy and April Aldridge.

Her activities include girls' tennis, basketball cheerleader, Future Business Leaders of America, Student Council Sr. Beta Club, Future Teachers of American, and Fellowship of Christian Athletes.

Her future plans are to attend Missouri State University.

She was escorted by Dawson Kasting.

Dawson is the son of Chuck and Kelly Kasting.

When asked what three words would describe my candidate, Dawson said, "Beautiful, Intelligent, and Kindhearted."

Last Updated on September 02nd 2017 by Dee Loflin

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2017 Miss DHS Candidates Announced
August 31st 2017 by Dee Loflin
2017 Miss DHS Candidates Announced
Dexter, Missouri - Candidates for Miss DHS were recently named at Dexter High School.  

The senior class nominates the candidates and then the entire student body at the high school votes for Miss DHS prior to the home football game slated for Friday, September 1st against the New Madrid County Central Eagles.

The crowning will take place at 6:30 p.m. prior to the pre-game performance of the Dexter High School Marching Band.

If rain or any changes to the location, the ShowMe Times will post on Facebook, Twitter, and send out a text alert as soon as the school makes a decision.  Rain is in the forecast unfortunately.

Standing from left are Amber Scott, Emily Ladd, Riley Thornton, Nicole Sells, Morgan Aldridge, and Bailee Williams.  Seated above are Megan Trout Hannah Thurmon, Rhylan Hillis and Addie Kruse.

Last Updated on August 31st 2017 by Dee Loflin

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DHS Weekly Activities - September 4th - 10th
August 31st 2017 by Dee Loflin
DHS Weekly Activities - September 4th - 10th
Dexter High School - This listing of weekly activities is a service offered by the ShowMe Times, working in partnership with Dexter High School principal, Alana Dowdy, and DHS Asst. Principal Melissa Hahn for your convenience.

We hope you will mark your calendar and we encourage everyone to support our local students and their activities.  The education and growth of young people in our community is the key to everyone's future!

If you would like to submit information and a picture of a student and his/her accomplishments, send it to   [email=news@showmetimes.com.

DHS Weekly Activities for Monday, September 4, 2017 - September 10, 2017 with some upcoming dates as well.

Monday, September 4th
Labor Day - No School
FBLA Krispy Kreme Fundraiser
Junior Class Magazine Sales

Tuesday, September 5th
FBLA Krispy Kreme Fundraiser
Junior Class Magazine Sales
BETA Club Meeting - 7:50 am and 3:15 pm
Volleyball (JV/V) at Bloomfield, 6:00 pm
Football (JV) vs. Doniphan at Dexter, 6:30 pm

Wednesday, September 6th    
Junior Class Magazine Sales
Beta Club - FanCloth Fundraiser

Thursday, September 7th 
Junior Class Magazine Sales
Beta Club - FanCloth Fundraiser
FBLA Meeting- 7:50 am and 3:10 pm
Volleyball (JV/V) at Bernie, 6:00 pm

Friday, September 8th  
FCA Breakfast Lighthouse Church, 7:15 am
Junior Class Magazine Sales
Beta Club - FanCloth Fundraiser
Choir Fundraiser Delivery
Junior Class Ring Meeting - 12:20 pm, Auditorium
Saturday, September 9th 
ACT Test
Girls Tennis Tournament at Kennett, Time TBD
Football, Varsity vs. Drexel at Bolivar, 2:00 pm. Player bus leaves at 7:30 am. Cheer bus leaves at 8:45 am
Cross Country Meet at Ironton, 9:30 am. Bus leaves at 6:00 am

Sunday, September 10th
Robotics Club Meeting, 1 pm - 3pm in Mrs. Rodgers Classroom

Dates to Remember
September 11th -     Junior Class Magazine Sales - Prom Fundraiser
                                 BETA Club - FanCloth Fundraiser
                                 Volleyball (JV/V) vs. Woodland at Dexter, 6:00 pm
                                 Football (JV) vs. NMCC at Dexter, 6:00 pm
September 12th -     Football Cheer PINK Out Fundraiser Begins
Football Cheer Kiddie Kamp, 3:30-5:00 pm in DHS Gym
Jostens Class Right Order Day - during lunch periods
Jostens Family Night, 4:00-6:30, Auditorium
Girls Tennis vs. Notre Dame at Dexter, 4:00 pm
Volleyball (JV/V) at Richland, 6:00 pm 

Last Updated on August 31st 2017 by Dee Loflin

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Student Liaisons Elected to School Board
August 30th 2017 by Dee Loflin
Student Liaisons Elected to School Board
Poplar Bluff, Missouri - Decisions at the Poplar Bluff School District are intended to be considered with the betterment of students in mind. Now the Board of Education will get to cross-check with the actual student body when they conduct business.

High School juniors Sara Holland and Jackson Winters, and senior Sam Traxel have been selected to serve as the district’s first student liaisons to the school board.

“Decisions that impact kids’ lives are made at every board meeting,” said R-I Superintendent Scott Dill on Thursday, Aug. 24, at the monthly meeting. “I feel it’s forward-thinking from the board, soliciting feedback from the student body. It shows that their hearts are in the right place.”

The notion was initially brought up last year by board member Heather Tuggle. Tuggle had participated in the annual conference of the Missouri School Boards’ Association during which she learned that a school board in Ava, among others districts, had a nonvoting student advisor.

The PBHS Student Council chose Sara, Jackson and Sam as finalists from nominees, and it was ultimately determined that all three would serve since they are equally interested in politics and public policy, according to the StuCo teacher advisory.
Pictured: (From left) Sam Traxel, StuCo president Jayla Matlock, Jackson Winters and school board member Heather Tuggle visit before the monthly meeting in the Administrative Building. Not pictured is liaison Sara Holland.

Photo and article submitted by Tim Krakowiak  Communications/Marketing Director  Poplar Bluff R-I School District

Last Updated on August 30th 2017 by Dee Loflin

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