Local Schools
Student Liaisons Elected to School Board
August 30th 2017 by Dee Loflin
Poplar Bluff, Missouri - Decisions at the Poplar Bluff School District are intended to be considered with the betterment of students in mind. Now the Board of Education will get to cross-check with the actual student body when they conduct business.
High School juniors Sara Holland and Jackson Winters, and senior Sam Traxel have been selected to serve as the district’s first student liaisons to the school board.
“Decisions that impact kids’ lives are made at every board meeting,” said R-I Superintendent Scott Dill on Thursday, Aug. 24, at the monthly meeting. “I feel it’s forward-thinking from the board, soliciting feedback from the student body. It shows that their hearts are in the right place.”
The notion was initially brought up last year by board member Heather Tuggle. Tuggle had participated in the annual conference of the Missouri School Boards’ Association during which she learned that a school board in Ava, among others districts, had a nonvoting student advisor.
The PBHS Student Council chose Sara, Jackson and Sam as finalists from nominees, and it was ultimately determined that all three would serve since they are equally interested in politics and public policy, according to the StuCo teacher advisory.
Pictured: (From left) Sam Traxel, StuCo president Jayla Matlock, Jackson Winters and school board member Heather Tuggle visit before the monthly meeting in the Administrative Building. Not pictured is liaison Sara Holland.
Photo and article submitted by Tim Krakowiak Communications/Marketing Director Poplar Bluff R-I School District
Last Updated on August 30th 2017 by Dee Loflin