Dexter, Missouri - Dexter High School Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) is selling Krispy Kreme donuts. They are raising money to attend the Missouri State Conference in Springfield as well as the National Conference in Maryland.
Each student must sell 10 - 15 dozen depending on which conference they hope to attend.
They are also planning a education trip to Six Flags on October 7, 2017. Six Flags at Eureka Springs, Missouri gives behind the scenes tours to Future Business Leaders of America students.
The cost per dozen is $9.00. Orders will be taken until Tuesday, September 5, 2017. Delivery of donuts will begin on September 14th.
Please help these students reach their goal.
Contact Mrs. Guy at the Dexter High School by emailing if you are interested in order or need to contact a FLBA student to order.
Shown in the photo are FBLA officers Austin Carmack, Jake Rice, and Kolby Musgrave.