Sikeston, Missouri - One of area retailers’ busiest times of the year is coming soon—Back-to-School shopping accompanied by Missouri’s Tax-Free Weekend starting at 12:01am Friday August 4th and will run through Sunday August 6th.

"We comply vigilantly with the laws set forth by OSHA, EPA, federal and Missouri. Our scrap metal recycling policies are honest and transparent. Our scales are certified yearly and calibrated twice a year. We belong to the Chamber of Commerce and the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries. We are OSHA 10 certified. We have the highest graded material in the industry."
"We buy most forms of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, including copper, aluminum, stainless steel, brass, scrap iron, radiators and catalytic converters. Please consult our Scrap Metal Selling Guide to find out more about how to sell scrap metal, and how to get the most money for your scrap metal. The best indication of our success is our loyal customer base. We are nice people with good business practices. We have a very high level of return business, and our new customers often come to us by way of referral."
"Our friendly customer service staff will ensure that your recycling experience is simple and hassle-free. Our modern and streamlined processing system allows us to offer competitive prices. Please contact us today if you would like to inquire about our services."
Check out their website by clicking HERE.

Missouri - The annual Sales Tax Holiday is set for Friday, August 4th, Saturday, August 5th, and Sunday, August 6th in Stoddard County.
On these particular days certain back-to-school items such as clothing, school supplies, computers, and various other needed items are exempt from sales tax.
The sales tax holiday applies to state and local sales taxes when a local jurisdiction chooses to participate. However some local jurisdictions choose to not participate in the holiday.
If one or all of your local taxing jurisdictions are not participating in the sales tax holiday, the state's portion of the tax rate (4.255%) will remain exempt for the sale of qualifying sales tax holiday items.
The sales tax exemption is limited to:
1. Clothing - any article having a taxable value of less than $100. (a fur coat valued at $250 would not fit in this category)
2. School supplies - not to exceed $50 per purchase (if you are buying for three children, you might want to get your spouse to go through the line or come back more than one time to get your items)
3. Computer software - taxable value of $350 or less.
4. Personal computers - not to exceed $1,500.
5. Computer peripheral devices - not to exceed $1,500.
6. Graphing Calculators - not to exceed $150.
Please note:
Clothing is defined as any article of wearing apparel, including footwear, intended to be worn on or about the human body. That does not include watches, watchbands, jewelry, handbags, handkerchiefs, umbrellas, scarves, ties, headbands, or belt buckles.
School supplies are defined as any item normally used by students in a standard classroom for education proposes, including but not limited to, textbooks, notebooks, paper, writing instruments, crayons, art supplies, rulers, book bags, backpacks, handheld calculators, chalk, maps, and globes. The term shall NOT include watches, radios, CD Players, headphones, sporting equipment, portable or desktop telephones, copiers or other office equipment, furniture, or fixtures.
Link to cities NOT participating; therefore you will pay the city sales tax! Click HERE.
Link to counties NOT participating; therefore you will pay the county sales tax! Click HERE. Stoddard is NOT participating.