Missouri - The annual Sales Tax Holiday is set for Friday, August 4th, Saturday, August 5th, and Sunday, August 6th in Stoddard County.
On these particular days certain back-to-school items such as clothing, school supplies, computers, and various other needed items are exempt from sales tax.
The sales tax holiday applies to state and local sales taxes when a local jurisdiction chooses to participate. However some local jurisdictions choose to not participate in the holiday.
If one or all of your local taxing jurisdictions are not participating in the sales tax holiday, the state's portion of the tax rate (4.255%) will remain exempt for the sale of qualifying sales tax holiday items.
The sales tax exemption is limited to:
1. Clothing - any article having a taxable value of less than $100. (a fur coat valued at $250 would not fit in this category)
2. School supplies - not to exceed $50 per purchase (if you are buying for three children, you might want to get your spouse to go through the line or come back more than one time to get your items)
3. Computer software - taxable value of $350 or less.
4. Personal computers - not to exceed $1,500.
5. Computer peripheral devices - not to exceed $1,500.
6. Graphing Calculators - not to exceed $150.
Please note:
Clothing is defined as any article of wearing apparel, including footwear, intended to be worn on or about the human body. That does not include watches, watchbands, jewelry, handbags, handkerchiefs, umbrellas, scarves, ties, headbands, or belt buckles.
School supplies are defined as any item normally used by students in a standard classroom for education proposes, including but not limited to, textbooks, notebooks, paper, writing instruments, crayons, art supplies, rulers, book bags, backpacks, handheld calculators, chalk, maps, and globes. The term shall NOT include watches, radios, CD Players, headphones, sporting equipment, portable or desktop telephones, copiers or other office equipment, furniture, or fixtures.
Link to cities NOT participating; therefore you will pay the city sales tax! Click HERE.
Link to counties NOT participating; therefore you will pay the county sales tax! Click HERE. Stoddard is NOT participating.

Dexter, Missouri - Moreland Auction will be at 16494 Terrace Dr in Dexter on Saturday, August 5, 2017 at the home of Steve and Diane Mitchell. A public auction will begin at 9:00 a.m. with real estate and firearms auction beginning at 11 a.m. Rain or shine and concessions will be available.
Items are very clean. Terms are cash or approved good check, all items are "as is". Moreland Auction is not responsible for accidents. Announcements made the day of Sale takes precedence over printed or implied.
Here are some items up for auction, this is not a complete list:
Vintage and Collectibles: Wurlitzer Piano, African Mahogany Chifferobe, full bed, unique rocking chair, dresser with glass top on rollers, and concrete planters.
Furniture: Thomasville Cherry king bedroom suite, buffet, entertainment center, side tables, overstuffed microfiber chairs and ottoman, leather ottoman, 50" flat screen, 46" flat screen, corner shelf, book case, wicker stand, drop leaf table, plastic shelves, metal shelving, and wing back chair.
Miscellaneous: Sewing machine and cabinet, wheel chair, handicapped porta potty, walker, purses, women's shoes (9-10), and costume jewelry.
Household Items: Large ornate mirror, pictures, artificial flowers, Christmas decorations, linens, table lamps, glassware, candles, fig tree, and bissell vacuum cleaner.
Kitchen: Blue Garland Bavarian Backstamp by Johann Haviland, Pfaltzgraff dinnerware, small kitchen appliances, and ice cream maker.
Tools & Etc: Electric power tools, wrenches, air tank, dolly, boss hog rechargeable weed eater, electric blower, garage cabinets, metal posts, trash cans, extension cords, Sentry safe, and stool with castors.
Angler: Glass minnow traps, 2 sets of waders, Fishing Tackle and Rods & Reels.
Lawn & Garden: Long handle tools, ladders, garden way big wheel cart, beach canopy, beach umbrellas, hummingbird feeders, coolers, lawn chairs, water hoes, and yard lights.
Appliances: Whirlpool washer and dryer and Whirlpool small chest freezer.
Firearms: Winchester Model 97 12 gauge, Marlin Glenfield Semi Automatic 22LR Model 60, and Stevens model 311 410 Double Barrel.
Location: 16494 Terrace Drive in Dexter. 9:00 a.m. start time with real estate and firearms at 11 a.m.