Dexter, Missouri - The 2016 Football Homecoming Queen is Margo Nea. First Alternate was Lexi May and 2nd Alternate was Michaela Gard.
Margo is the daughter of Mark and Amber Nea and is a freshman at Dexter High School.
Lexi May is the daughter of Perry and Patty May and is a senior at Dexter High School.
Michaela Gard is the daughter of Paul and Cammy Gard and is a junior at Dexter High School.
Congratulations ladies!
Dexter, Missouri - The 2016 Football Homecoming Queen coronation was held prior to the start of the Dexter Bearcats vs Kennett Indians game on Friday, September 30, 2016.
Crowning the 2016 Homecoming Queen was Miss Caroline Powers.
Caroline was the 2015 Homecoming Court 2nd Alternate.
She is a senior at Dexter High School and is the daughter of Chuck and Felicia Powers.
Caroline is active in Fellowship of Christian Athletes, FLC, United Nations, SEMO Showstoppers, Honors Choir, A-Capella, Refuge youth Group, and Resonate Praise Band.
She is currently serving as president of Future Career and Community Leaders of America and on the executive board for Sr. Beta Club. She is also in Top 10% of her class and a member of the football cheer squad and Kickin' Cats Dance Team.
Her future plans are to attend Columbia College and earn a nursing degree with an emphasis in pediatrics.
Caroline was escorted by Joe Rice.
Joe is a sophomore and is the son of Lloyd and Heather Rice.
He is a member of Sr. Beta Club, Student Council, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, football and basketball.
Dexter, Missouri - The 2016 Football Homecoming Queen coronation was held prior to the start of the Dexter Bearcats vs Kennett Indians game on Friday, September 30, 2016.
The tenth and final candidate of the evening was Miss Shelby Smith.She is the daughter of Gregg and Jackie Smith and is a junior at Dexter High School.
Shelby was nominated by the cross country team.
She is a member of the Robotics Club, Student Council, Sr. Beta Club, Band, Jazz Band, and cross country.
Her future plans are to attend Oregon State University where she plans to study marine biology.
Sean Rybolt escorted Miss Smith.
He is the son of Scott and Julie Rybolt and is a junior at Dexter High School.
He is a member of Sr. Beta Club, Band, Scholar Bow, the Robotics Club, Jazz Band, cross country and track & field team.
Dexter, Missouri - The 2016 Football Homecoming Queen coronation was held prior to the start of the Dexter Bearcats vs Kennett Indians game on Friday, September 30, 2016.
The ninth candidate of the evening was Miss Margo Nea.She is the daughter of Amber and Mark Nea and is a freshman at Dexter High School.
Margo was nominated by the football team.
She is a member of Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Future Business Leaders of America, Honors Choir, girls basketball, cross country, and field & track teams.
Her future plans are to attend college at the University of Missouri - Columbia and earn a degree.
Gabe Jackson escorted Miss Nea.
He is a junior at Dexter High School and is the son of Dale and Kim Jackson.
He is a member of Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Future Business Leaders of America, Honors Choir, varsity football, and varsity basketball.
Dexter, Missouri - The 2016 Football Homecoming Queen coronation was held prior to the start of the Dexter Bearcats vs Kennett Indians game on Friday, September 30, 2016.
The eighth candidate of the evening was Miss Chelsea Mullins.She is the daughter of Michael and Alona Mullins and is a senior at Dexter High School.
Chelsea was nominated by the varsity football cheerleaders.
she is a member of Fellowship of Christian Athletes and varsity football cheer.
Her future plans are to attend St. Louis College of Pharmacy.
Ryder Foster escorted Miss Mullins.
He is the son of Todd and Angie Foster and is a freshman at Dexter High School.
Ryder is a member of Fellowship of Christian Athletes and is on the varsity football team.