Downtown Dexter Fall Fest
Dexter, Missouri - The Historic Downtown Dexter Association (HDDA) will sponsor the Downtown Dexter Fall Fest on Saturday, October 8th from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Craft booths will be set up for you to view and food booths for you to indulge. There will be a Pumpkin Decorating Contest.
Deadline for booth spaces is Wednesday, September 28th. Cost is $25 without electricity and $40 with electricity. Commercial vendors is $50.
Evans Pottery Display will be at the Train Depot.
Live Music will be located at the corner of Stoddard & Walnut Street beginning at 9:30 a.m. with Iron Mountain Station followed by Maggie Thorn at 10:40 a.m. Roxie the dog pianist and artist will perform dog tricks on the main stage at 12:30 p.m. Straight Shot will perform at 1:30 p.m.
Fall Fest Pageant winners will be introduced at 12:15 p.m.
The 7th Annual Pie Eating Contest sponsored by Young Real Estate LLC will be held in front of The Bunny Patch at HIGH NOON! There are three divisions including children, men, and women. Winners of the men's and women's divisions designate a local charity of choice as the recipient of their winnings. First place winners earn $250. Second place winners earn $150 and 3rd place winners earn $50. Children earn cash prizes to keep.
Trickster Dog Shows will be at K9 Biz located at the corner of S. Locust and Stoddard Streets. The dog show will feature dog tricks and will be ongoing throughout the festival.
Run 4 Vaughn will race through downtown to the First Christian Church. Registration is at 9:00 a.m. with a starting time of 10:00 a.m. at the First Christian Church at 224 East Stoddard Street. Lunch will be served on the ground upon the return of the runners and walkers.
The Stoddard County Nutrition Center will hold their annual Quilt Exhibit during the festival.
For booth spaces contact Donna West at 624-5141, for live music call Hillary Starnes at 624-7458, to enter the pie-eating contest call Leslie Kyle at 624-4441 and for general event information call Alisha Trammell at 421-1407.
To join their Event Page click HERE.
Date: September 27th 2016