Bloomfield, Missouri - More than 100 people turned-out for the first Prayer Walk for Bloomfield Schools. It was a powerful and emotional evening as community members walked the campus and prayed for Bloomfield R-14 staff and students.
Administrators, teachers, parents, students, former students, school board members, retired staff and members of the community were in attendance.
"Our school matters," commented Barbara Rice. "I am so proud of our school and our community. This brought happy tears upon recalling many happy school years for me, my family and the 28 years of being a part of the staff at Bloomfield Schools."
"There were prayers for students, staff, administration, parents for protection and for knowledge," commented organizer Heather White. "It was powerful! I can't wait to see what good things are in store for our school."
"I think we have a new tradition," continued White.
Bloomfield R-14 Schools begin on Thursday, August 18th. We hope each of you have a great 2016-2017 school year!