Dexter, Missouri - "Bootheel Recycling is a Missouri scrap metal recycling company whose customer base includes regional utility companies, large manufacturing businesses, tool and die shops, local Dexter scrap dealers, haulers, farmers and individuals across Southeast Missouri and Arkansas."
"We comply vigilantly with the laws set forth by OSHA, EPA, federal and Missouri. Our scrap metal recycling policies are honest and transparent. Our scales are certified yearly and calibrated twice a year. We belong to the Chamber of Commerce and the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries. We are OSHA 10 certified. We have the highest graded material in the industry."
"We buy most forms of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, including copper, aluminum, stainless steel, brass, scrap iron, radiators and catalytic converters. Please consult our Scrap Metal Selling Guide to find out more about how to sell scrap metal, and how to get the most money for your scrap metal. The best indication of our success is our loyal customer base. We are nice people with good business practices. We have a very high level of return business, and our new customers often come to us by way of referral."
"Our friendly customer service staff will ensure that your recycling experience is simple and hassle-free. Our modern and streamlined processing system allows us to offer competitive prices. Please contact us today if you would like to inquire about our services."
Check out their website by clicking HERE.

Today, August 4, 2016 is Back the Blue Day in Dexter Missouri.
Missouri Delta Hospice purchased 30 ounce stainless steel tumblers to help keep them hydrated in this heat.
"We thank you Dexter PD for all you do to keep us safe."
Shown in the photo are from left to right Administrator LaDonna Fowler RN, PCR Melissa Pennington, LPN, Officer Brown, Office Manager Bobbi King, RN Case Manager Kristen Lykins.
Picture taken by Team Lead Mindy Joseph RN

Dexter, Missouri - The Dexter Police Department is very grateful for the continued outpouring of support from the community. A huge thanks to Janet and Jon Bingham of Bingham Construction for the cookies made by Phyllis Menley, also to First Midwest Bank for the donuts delivered on this morning and to Cypress Point for lunch!
They truly appreciate everything that has been done over the past several weeks.
The Back the Blue day in Dexter will be Thursday, August 4, 2016. Business are asked to decorate with BLUE ribbons and the employees to wear BLUE!
Please submit a photo to news@showmetimes.com or give us a call at 573-380-3318 to get a photo taken on Thursday!
"In the military, “got your six” means “I’ve got your back.” The saying originated with World War I fighter pilots referencing the rear of an airplane as the six o’clock position. If you picture yourself at the center of a clock face, the area directly in front of you is twelve o’clock. Six o’clock is what lies behind you. On a battlefield, your “six” is the most vulnerable. So, when someone tells you that they’ve “got your six,” it means they’re watching your back. By extension, that person expects you to have their back as well. “Got your six” is now a ubiquitous term in the military and among police as well as fireman and any emergency responder.
Let's show our support for the men and women who protect us and are there when we need them!
Photo by Larry Patterson, Dexter PD.

Stoddard County, Missouri - June 14, 2016 is National Flag Day. The ShowMe Times would like you to submit a photo of your home or business flying the American flag. You may email it to news@showmetimes.com or send it in a private message to the ShowMe Times Facebook page. Photos will be then posted throughout the day.
Why do we celebrate Flag Day?
In the United States June 14th is the day we adopted the flag in 1777 by resolution of the Second Continental Congress.
In 1916 President Woodrow Wilson issued a proclamation that officially established June 14th at Flag Day. It is not an official federal holiday.
During National Flag Week, the president will issue a proclamation urging U.S. citizens to fly the American flag all week.
Color Meanings: Red stands for hardiness and courage, white is the symbol of purity and innocence, blue is the color of vigilance, perseverance, and justice.
The Blue Field with White Stars: Each white star represents a state in the union against the blue background of perseverance.
The U.S. Flag should be on flown on a flagpole outdoors from sunrise to sunset unless a light is on the flag. It should not be displayed at all during stormy or rainy weather, unless for some very special reason. In no case should the American flag ever touch the ground. It should be raised with hearty briskness, and when lowered, it should be done solemnly and slowly.
What to do when the U.S. Flag is presented or is in a marching line etc: Men not in uniform should take off their hats, and hold them with the right hand at the left shoulder with the hand over the heart. Civilian women salute the flag by placing the right hand over the heart.
Route K in Stoddard County will be reduced to one lane as Missouri Department of Transportation crews perform edge rut repairs.
This section of roadway is located from Route 51 to Route M.
Weather permitting, work will take place Thursday, April 14 through Tuesday, April 19 from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.