Stoddard County, Missouri - June 14, 2016 is National Flag Day. The ShowMe Times would like you to submit a photo of your home or business flying the American flag. You may email it to news@showmetimes.com or send it in a private message to the ShowMe Times Facebook page. Photos will be then posted throughout the day.
Why do we celebrate Flag Day?
In the United States June 14th is the day we adopted the flag in 1777 by resolution of the Second Continental Congress.
In 1916 President Woodrow Wilson issued a proclamation that officially established June 14th at Flag Day. It is not an official federal holiday.
During National Flag Week, the president will issue a proclamation urging U.S. citizens to fly the American flag all week.
Color Meanings: Red stands for hardiness and courage, white is the symbol of purity and innocence, blue is the color of vigilance, perseverance, and justice.
The Blue Field with White Stars: Each white star represents a state in the union against the blue background of perseverance.
The U.S. Flag should be on flown on a flagpole outdoors from sunrise to sunset unless a light is on the flag. It should not be displayed at all during stormy or rainy weather, unless for some very special reason. In no case should the American flag ever touch the ground. It should be raised with hearty briskness, and when lowered, it should be done solemnly and slowly.
What to do when the U.S. Flag is presented or is in a marching line etc: Men not in uniform should take off their hats, and hold them with the right hand at the left shoulder with the hand over the heart. Civilian women salute the flag by placing the right hand over the heart.