Local News

New Phone Scam Hitting the Area
August 08th 2016 by Dee Loflin
New Phone Scam Hitting the Area

Stoddard County, Missouri - A recent phone scam has been reported in the area.  Please stay vigilant when answer the phone and not give out any personal or banking information.

Here is how the scam works:  A person calls and either impersonates a loved one or says a relative has had a wreck and needs help.  They seem to know the persons name (they can get that from social media) and asks you to wire money to them.

They may ask that the money be wired to a foreign country such as Columbia.  This has been going for some time, but just a reminder to please check the phone number, even ask if you can call them back, ask what hospital the relative is being treated or the name of the local police department that worked the scene of the accident.  At this point more than likely they will hang up and not give you any information.  You can then contact your relative and make sure they are ok. 

A police officer will never ask you to wire money. A hospital will never ask for payment up front when taken by ambulance or even if you enter the emergency room.  There is no need to immediately wire money to an unknown source.

Parents make sure the grandparents know about this scam as sometimes the call is about their grandson or granddaughter and they will be quick to respond to help.

Last Updated on August 08th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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