![Bloomfield School Board Adds 8th Hour and Hires Coaching Staff](/img_v4sh_910_800.jpg)
Bloomfield, Missouri - The Bloomfield School board met on Monday, June 20, 2016.
The board approved resurfacing the high school gym parking lot, purchasing of a van, adding an 8th hour to the high school and middle school, and changes in the 2016-2017 handbook.
The biggest adjustment will be adding the 8th hour. Class periods will now be 46 minutes in length with the first period being 48 minutes. Other changes in the handbook are students will have to have some type of health insurance to go on school trips, student meal prices, definition of “appropriate shorts” length, and a change in the form used by parents to allow corporal punishment. The Elementary Handbook also added a Scholar Leadership Award.
In Executive Session the Bloomfield School Board approved the resignation of Debbie Stogsdill from an elementary teaching position, the hiring of Sabra Mayberry for an elementary teaching position and the hiring of Brandon Crook for the ISS/ALS teaching position.
Also several extra curricular positions were filled:
Brandon Crook for Athletic Director and BHS boys head basketball coach and BMS boys basketball coach; Jason Karnes at Tournament Director, Louis Bell as BHS girls head basketball coach and BMS girls basketball coach; Taylor Fields as BHS assistant girls basketball coach and BMS assistant girls basketball coach; Sarah Moore as elementary girls basketball; Matt Foster for BHS assistant fall and spring baseball coach; Charlotte Phillips for BHS girls softball coach, Sabrina Skaggs for BHS assistant girls softball coach; Travis Westbrook as assistant BHS golf coach, Matthew Kohm as assistant cross country coach and Heather Mayo as prom coordinator.