Local Schools

Mary Kate Miller Receives Stoddard County Republican Club Scholarship
July 05th 2016 by Dee Loflin
Mary Kate Miller Receives Stoddard County Republican Club Scholarship

Dexter, Missouri - Mary Kate Miller is the 2016 recipient of a $500 scholarship given by the Stoddard County Republican Club.

She is pictured receiving the check from Ashley Mayer, Chairperson of the Scholarship Committee.

Mary Kate is the daughter of Mike and Candy Miller.

She is active in Fellowship of Christian Athletes and is a member of the Dexter Honor Society, Student Council, Future Business Leaders of America, Future Teachers of America, Rotary Interact.  She also attended Missouri Girl’s State during the summer of 2015.

After graduation, Mary Kate plans to attend college and obtain a degree in nursing.  She then plans to pursue a degree in Advanced Practice Nursing.

Last Updated on July 05th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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Caroline Robison Attends UMC Mini Medical School
June 29th 2016 by Dee Loflin
Caroline Robison Attends UMC Mini Medical School

Bloomfield, Missouri - Caroline Robison, a senior at Bloomfield High School, was among 112 students selected for participation in the University of Missouri School of Medicines High School Mini Medical School (HSMMS).

Robison is the 17-year old daughter of Bill and Tracy Robison of Bloomfield.

The program, now in its 18th year, is designed to give high school seniors who are already interested in medical careers a one-week preview of medical school.  Students will attend one of two summer session from June 19th to June 23rd or from June 26th to June 30th. 

During the session, Caroline participated in a medical-school style curriculum, which included problem-based learning, a method of teaching that that combines independent learning in small groups with patient care cases.  Student also participated in sessions with clinical and research specialists; gained hands-on experience in anatomy, microbiology and clinical skills; interacted with medical school students, faculty and staff; and attended seminars on college and medical school life.

"We learned different techniques for stitching wounds and spent time in the anatomy lab where we explored actual muscles, bones, and tissues," commented Robison.  "The simulation lab was a great experience! I delivered a (model) baby, intubated a mannequin, and practiced laparoscopic surgery on a simulator."

Caroline is exploring various healthcare careers this summer, including medicine and pharmacy.  She will be a student at Ole Miss for one month to participate in the pre-pharmacy track of their Summer College for High School Students. She will move in Monday, July 4th and take seven credit hours as well as test the waters away from home.  She will apply to multiple schools to explore opportunities in medicine or pharmacy. 

This girl is going to go far and we wish her the best of luck during her senior year at Bloomfield High School!

For more information about HSMMS, contact Alex Horn, Program Coordinator for the MU Office of Medical Education, at (573) 882-9219.

Last Updated on June 29th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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Abby Dare Named to Missouri S&T Dean's List
June 28th 2016 by Dee Loflin
Abby Dare Named to Missouri S&T Dean's List

Puxico, Missouri - Abby Dare, a 2013 graduate of Puxico High School was named to the Missouri S&T Dean's List for the 2016 Spring Semester.

Abby is a nuclear engineering major minoring in math.

She will graduate from Missouri S&T in the spring of 2017.

Missouri University of Science and Technology - Missouri S&T for short, located in Rolla, Missouri -  has been at the top of the research and innovation game for a long time. Founded in 1870 as one of the first technological institutions west of the Mississippi, they have been building on their heritage of discovery, creativity and innovation to equip and inspire today’s students to meet tomorrow’s great global challenges.

Congratulations Abby!

Last Updated on June 28th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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2016 Mizzou Graduate Nathan Martin Named to Dean's List
June 27th 2016 by Dee Loflin
2016 Mizzou Graduate Nathan Martin Named to Dean's List

Puxico, Missouri - The University of Missouri - Columbia has released its list of graduates and Dean’s List students for the Spring 2016 semester.

Nathan Mark Martin graduated from Mizzou on May 14, 2016 with a degree in Parks, Recreation and Tourism Sports Management Emphasis and a Business Minor.

He also made the Dean’s List for the spring semester.  The University of Missouri recognizes students who achieve a 3.5 GPA or higher with at least 12 credit hours to be named to the Dean’s List.

Martin was hired by Puxico Schools as the new Jr. High Boys Head Basketball Coach and Assistant Varsity Boys Basketball Coach for the 2016 - 2017 academic school year.

Congratulations Nathan!

Last Updated on June 27th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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Tabitha Jones Awarded Scholarship to SEMO
June 27th 2016 by Dee Loflin
Tabitha Jones Awarded Scholarship to SEMO

Bloomfield, Missouri - Tabitha Jones, a 2016 graduate of Bloomfield High School, was awarded the University Scholarship to attend Southeast Missouri State University in Cape Girardeau, Missouri for the 2016 - 2017 academic year.

Jones is the daughter of Jolene and Byron Bolin of Bloomfield.

Congratulations Tabitha!

Last Updated on June 27th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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