Bloomfield, Missouri - Students and staff at Bloomfield observed Make a Difference Day on May 23rd by performing a variety of civic projects in the community. the day focused on providing service learning projects for students in the Bloomfield School District.
Toni Hill, Superintendent of Bloomfield School District, reached out to the community to identify service activities. The students did a variety of activities from cleaning up the city park, and visiting the nursing home to picking up trash along Prairie Street as well as washed cars. Students even cleaned out the school buses. They also got their hands dirty performing some landscaping at the local nursing home, Assembly of God Church, First Baptist Church and the Welcome to Bloomfield sign on Hwy 25.
Other students made decorations for the nursing home, played board games with the residents, made cards for the Children's Home, cleaned up the school campus, and made home-made dog treats for the animal shelter.
"We, as a district, feel that it is important to teach our students to give without expecting anything in return. The art of serving is a life lesson we want to instill in each of our students," commented Toni Hill.
Shown in the photo from left to right are Ethan Thatcher, History Teacher Taylor Fields, Shawn Robey, Nathan Thatcher, and Collin Wilson.