Local Schools

Nearly 300 Graduate from Poplar Bluff High School
May 29th 2016 by Dee Loflin
Nearly 300 Graduate from Poplar Bluff High School

Poplar Bluff, Missouri - The commencement ceremony on Thursday, May 12, at the Black River Coliseum marked endings and new beginnings on multiple fronts.

First and foremost, 298 students graduated from the Poplar Bluff High School Class of 2016, joining more than 22,000 alumni before them.

Class president Elizabeth Bottorff said the milestone was akin to the conclusion of a book, but challenged her classmates to author an even better sequel. “Go write your own book and make it a best-seller,” she said, earlier advising: “Take everything one page at a time and cherish every word.”

Christian Cmehil-Warn, who will attend the University of Missouri in Columbia, was named this year’s salutatorian. He talked about his struggle to choose a career path, but said with a little hard work and a clearly defined goal, anything is possible. “You’ve got a whole life ahead of you,” he said. “Make what you want of it.”

The valedictorian honor went to Jackson Rideout, who has been accepted at Washington University in St. Louis. He discussed how graduating from high school means more than just a slip of paper, the experience has shaped their lives up until this point. The past four years has also taught him that everything is not black and white. “See the gray, the unknown, the other side, and appreciate it,” he said.

A special tribute was made to the surviving family of the late Kaitlyn Pullam, who has been memorialized with a new scholarship, which went to Mikayla Ursery for exemplifying Kaitlyn’s ideals and attitude. Nearly $2.5 million in college scholarships was awarded to the graduating seniors altogether, according to Principal Mike Kiehne.

Another close to a chapter, it was pointed out by outgoing Superintendent Chris Hon in his welcoming speech, was that this class would be the last to graduate from 1300 Victory Lane. The city manager Mark Massingham, who was in attendance to watch his son walk, observed the momentous occasion in a Facebook post.

“Having a conversation today with David Johnson, Gary Melton and Ralph Stucker and realized the Class of 1966—which included my brother Terry Massingham and David and Gary—was the first class to graduate from the new high school. My son Landon and Ralph’s son Aaron will graduate this year—50 years later—and they will be the last class to graduate from this high school.”

Senior High and the Middle School are in the process of swapping locations under the historic buildings plan approved by voters, which will add more than 200,000 square feet of classroom space across campus while utilizing existing property. The new state-of-the-art facilities will be open for the 2016/17 school year.

Shown in the photo are school officials seated in the background, top student Jackson Rideout delivers a graduation speech to his classmates.

Photo and article submitted by Tim Krakowiak, Communications/Marketing Coordinator, Poplar Bluff R-I School District.

Last Updated on May 29th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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Kindergarten Students Earn Positive Office Referral Awards
May 29th 2016 by Dee Loflin
Kindergarten Students Earn Positive Office Referral Awards

Dexter, Missouri - Southwest Elementary honors Erick Million, Kale Midgett, Aiden Robinson, Abby Martin, Lexi Rivera, Lily Bryant, Maddi Childers, Noah Tinnin, Bryce Burden, and Dawson Carnell with the Positive Office Referral certificate.

This award is presented to students who consistently show the 3R's RESPECTFUL, RESPONSIBLE, and READY TO LEARN at Southwest Elementary in Dexter.

Students are in kindergarten at Southwest Elementary.

Shown in the photo front row from left to right: Erick Million, Kale Midgett, Aiden Robinson; middle row Noah Tinnin, Bryce Burden, and Dawson Carnell; back row from left to right Abby Martin, Lexi Rivera, Lily Bryant, and Maddi Childers.

Last Updated on May 29th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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Second Grade Students Earn Positive Office Referral Awards
May 29th 2016 by Dee Loflin
Second Grade Students Earn Positive Office Referral Awards

Dexter, Missouri - Southwest Elementary honors Ryleigh Goodman, Marissa Bradley, Kendra Link, Sarah Hudson, and Mattie Thompson. with the Positive Office Referral certificate.

This award is presented to students who consistently show the 3R's RESPECTFUL, RESPONSIBLE, and READY TO LEARN at Southwest Elementary in Dexter.

Students are in the second grade at Southwest Elementary.

Shown in the photo siting from left to right Sarah Hudson and Mattie Thompson.  Standing from left to right are Ryleigh Goodman, Marissa Bradley, and Kendra Link.

Last Updated on May 29th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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Three Rivers Celebrates Class of 2016 Commencement Ceremony
May 29th 2016 by Dee Loflin
Three Rivers Celebrates Class of 2016 Commencement Ceremony

Poplar Bluff, Missouri - Three Rivers College filled the Black River Coliseum to celebrate the institution’s newest graduating class on Friday, May 20. Over 570 students in Three Rivers’ degree and certificate programs were eligible to walk across the stage during Friday’s ceremony.

Erick Kirkman, a Three Rivers alumnus, Poplar Bluff resident, and successful entrepreneur, gave the commencement speech to the Class of 2016. In his speech, Kirkman encouraged graduates to seek success and follow their dreams, even if those dreams seem difficult to achieve. He also told graduates to hold themselves to a high standard, even if it was hard.

“I would say to worry about your character, and not your reputation,” said Kirkman. “Those seem like the same thing, but they’re very different. Your reputation is who people think you are; your character is who you are when no one is watching.”

In celebration of the 50th anniversary of Three Rivers, the college Choir, directed by Cindy White, Professor of Music, performed an arrangement of “The Sound of Silence,” which was the music performed at Three Rivers’ first commencement.

“It is gratifying to me to see so many graduates heading off into a better life with a degree from Three Rivers,” said Williams. “It’s my pleasure to greet you all not only as new graduates, but as fellow alumni of Three Rivers.”

The college honored several outstanding graduates at the ceremony, and recognized its many first-generation, non-traditional, veteran, international, and multi-generation graduates. Among the individual graduates spotlighted were:

·         Justas Furmanavicius, an international student from Lithuania, who came to the United States after being recruited to play for the Raiders Basketball team.
·         Ann Mati, an international student whose Three Rivers journey started with a full day of classes after a 24-hour trip from her home in Kenya, and who received a Student Excellence Award for her work in the Honors Program.
·         Jennifer Beck, a first-generation student who came to Three Rivers after entering the workforce as an LPN. She graduated alongside her daughter, who helped encourage her to start classes at Three Rivers.
·         Dorothy Rose, a non-traditional student who began her college career after marrying and raising five boys. She graduated with an Associate of Arts with an emphasis in General Education and plans to substitute teach at Twin Rivers.
·         Gabby and Michaela Mays, twin sisters who came to Three Rivers under the A+ program and served as Resident Assistants in housing at the Poplar Bluff Campus.
·         James Norman, a student veteran who served in the Navy as an Aviation Electronics Technician. He has served in leadership positions within the Phi Theta Kappa honor society and the student art club. He plans to transfer to Southeast Missouri State University to complete his art degree.

This year marks the 48th anniversary of the college’s first commencement ceremony since Three Rivers was founded in 1966. Since then, Three Rivers has served over 100,000 students from its degree, transfer, and career-technical programs. Registration is currently open for Fall classes at Three Rivers. To learn more about registering for classes at Three Rivers, call the Welcome Center at 573-840-9605 or visit trcc.edu.

Three Rivers College is committed to contributing to the quality of life in Southeast Missouri with quality, affordable higher education opportunities and community services that support and encourage the economic, civic, and cultural vitality of the region. For more information about college and workforce programs and upcoming events, visit trcc.edu.

Shown in the photo is James Norman, a student veteran and member of the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society, stands to be recognized by Three Rivers College President Dr. Wesley Payne during Three Rivers’ 2016 Commencement Ceremony at the Black River Coliseum on May 20.


Last Updated on May 29th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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Richland School Names 4th Quarter Honor Roll
May 29th 2016 by Dee Loflin
Richland School Names 4th Quarter Honor Roll

Essex, Missouri - The Richland School District released the names of students who earned 4th quarter Honor Roll. 

Below is a list of 1st - 12th Grade.

1st Grade - George Anderson, Payton Bell, Gabriel Bolt, Abigail Higgins, Marlei Jones, Ariel Lewis, Baylie Pinkley, Ava Porter, ALissah Pulliam, Jude Rice, Daisy Sherfield, La’Jayvion White

2nd Grade - Deborah Anderson, Olyvia Anderson, Shyanne Anderson, Joshua Barnes, Mary Beth Bolin, Gunner Bugg, Hayden Conner, Allie Corlew, Carter Eaton, Bella Elledge, Emma Fortenberry, Tyler Fortenberry, Jake Goodman, Cole Lang, Kolten Lawrence, Addison McCollium, Joshua Merriman, Dayton Owens, Jasmine Qualls, Kamryn Rice, Emma Roberts, Audrie Stoker, Sidney Stoker, Gary Tilley, Veronica Touchette, Marissa VanVacter, Bobbie Vaughn, Kaylee Vaughn

3rd Grade - Blake Anderson, Bryce Brown, Joshua Chafin, MaKayla Finch, Tucker Hughes, Hunter Snaders, Shyla Swasho, Alyssa Thompson, Amari Tilley, Eric Williams

4th Grade - Waylan Barnes, Chase Bolt, Shelby Boyle, Lila Corlew, Austin Cross, Arianna Heitman, Elijah Higgins, Gracie Jones, MaKenna Lykins, Tucker Miller, Zaine Pettigo, Alex Porter, Ben Stoker, Christopher Tyra, Ashland Wheeler, Joe Wyman

5th Grade - Katelyn Black, Sharian Blankenship, Dezaray Brown, Alexia Curnett, Constance Deason, Hunter Deason, Logan Head, Damon Ivy, Cody Knox, Rozlynn McCollum, Dalton Miller, Noah Moyers, Lily Parker, Sophie Pearce, Chelsea Swasho, Rylee Taylor, Courtney Walley, Susan Wells

6th Grade - Alesia Eaton, Matthew Finch, Bailee Hux, Belle Jones, Alexia Kemp, Alexas Leeper, Dacie Ritch, Makaila Stafford, Blake Tyra, Abbigale Wheeler

7th Grade - Jarod Baker, Smantha Booker, Adam CHafin, Olivia CHafin, Sheldon Craft, Devin Duffie, Tanner Freeman, Jessica Harmon, Amanda Heitan, Chloe Holman, Austin Jones, Avvie Jones, Kelsey Kimbrel, Canasia McBride, Shelby Mayabb, Shai Sherfield, Kyle Smith, Meagan Tank, Austin Thompson, Kaycee Wamble, Madison Worley.

8th Grade - Austen Buttry, Katie Condict, Samantha Cowell, Dominic DeBord, Nathan Elles, Allison Jones, Kasey Long, Abbygail Massey, Cameron Mullin, Norman Oakley, Anthony Parker, Noah Pearce, J T Pinkley, Halle Swallows.

9th Grade - Bradley Billingsley, Emily Blunt, Laura Brown, Samantha Clark, Amber Daniels, Riley Glass, Anthony Heitman, Reyana Heitman, Mattie Howard, Erica Jones, Liza King, Harlie Leeper, Katelynn Lewis, Michael Manes, Claryssa Martin, Draven Pettigo, Daniel Petty, Paige Pinkley, Laura Stickles, Katherine Wyman.

10th Grade - Nick Azure, Natalie Clark, Megan Cullum, Gavin Curd, Bailey Glass, Clayton Harriel, Myah Kennedy, Josh Kidd, Shawn Knox, Logan Lewis, Luke Rhodes, Josh Shidler, Sara Tackett, Raean Tank, Joshua Thompson, Hunter Walker, Aaron Wells.

11th Grade - Alyssa Atchison, Lane Brown, Jerry Craft, Michael Dalton, Gerlynn Grossius, Garet Philips, Katelyn Pinkley, Aleena Robbins, Joshua Thornton, Preston Tilley.

12th Grade - Zachary Carmack, Austin Elledge, Dedrick GOver, Travis Grubbs, Jordan Head, Drew Hickson, Moriah McLard, Parker Miller, Tracy Partenberry, Skie Pinkley, Zackary Price, Samantha Pullum, Jamie Smith, Colten Thyssen, Nikki Tomes, Breannna Williamson.

Last Updated on May 29th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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