Dexter, Missouri - It can be rather lonely in the military especially when on duty overseas. Trevor Waldner, a high school graduate, knows all too well about traveling in the military. He doesn't get to come back to Dexter as often as he would like, but he is serving our country well.
Mrs. Guethle's class all made him cards to send that were very nice and thanking him for being a hero and protecting us. This is a pic of her class with the letters and notes to Trevor.
Trevor was able to come home for a bout 10 days recently. He attended the Dexter High School Track meet to watch his sister, MaKayla Waldner, compete. He spent his time visiting with family and friends before going back to his duties.
If your class or church group would like to send a letter to Trevor, please contact Karen Kiger or Kim Waldner at Central Elementary in Dexter.
Thank you Trevor for all you do to protect us and serve in the United States Army.