Local News
Two Hunter Education Skills Sessions Set
February 11th 2016 by Dee Loflin

Hunter education is required to buy a firearms hunting permit in Missouri for any hunter born on or after Jan. 1, 1967. Hunters must complete step one, a knowledge portion, and step two, a skills session, in order to become hunter education certified. Either of these two scheduled skills sessions will meet the step two requirement.
“Hunter education has reduced hunting accidents and deaths by more than 70 percent since it became mandatory,” said DeeDee Dockins, MDC outdoor skills specialist. “This is why we recommend all hunters become hunter-education certified.”
Before registering for a skills session, individuals must first complete part one online, through self-study, or by attending a classroom session. To attend the skills session, they must bring their skills session qualifier certificate or a student manual with their completed review questions. Hunter education student manuals are available everywhere hunting permits are sold. Manuals are also available by mail. A final exam is administered at the end of the skills session.
Students must be 11 years of age at the start of the class and those 15 and under must provide proof of age. Students are asked to arrive at least 15 minutes before the beginning of the skills session to make time for registration.
Hunter Education Program provides a foundation in hunting safety and ethics. It instills responsibility, improves skills and knowledge, and encourages interaction between beginner and veteran hunters. Missouri hunter education includes information on how firearms work and firearm safety, wildlife identification, game care, survival and first-aid skills, hunting techniques, awareness about wildlife conservation and management and rules and information unique to hunting in Missouri.
To register for one of these two skills sessions, or to find other courses and more information on hunter education in Missouri, go online to mdc.mo.gov.
Last Updated on February 11th 2016 by Dee Loflin