Local Schools

Meet and Greet with Superintendent Mitch Wood
August 02nd 2015 by Dee Loflin
Meet and Greet with Superintendent Mitch Wood
Dexter, Missouri - With just one month at the helm and his first Board meeting out of the way, Mitchell Wood, is finally settled in at Dexter Schools. 

The CTA and School Board would like to welcome him with a special "Meet and Greet" opportunity on Monday, August 3, 2015.  This will be a perfect chance to welcome our new Superintendent to the Bearcat Nation!

The event will take place at the Bearcat Event Center from 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. on Monday afternoon and the entire community is invited to come out and meet Mr. Wood as he begins his career with Dexter Public Schools.

Wood recently held the superintendent position of Oran R-3 District from 2004 until the Board of Education of Dexter R-XI School District hired him effective July 1, 2015.  Prior to that he was a teacher, coach, and activities director from 1992 - 1999 and then served as principal at the Oran Junior High and High School from 1999 - 2004 for a total of 23 years in the Oran district.  Prior to going to Oran, he taught and coached at Hayti from 1989 - 1992.

Wood earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Physical Education from Arkansas State University, a Master’s Degree in Educational Administration and a Specialist Degree in Educational Leadership from Southeast Missouri State University.  He is currently enrolled at William Woods University and working on his doctorate with an anticipated completion date of 2015.

Wood’s other professional accolades include his membership in the SEMO Superintendents Association, Scott-Miss Superintendents Association (President 2006-2008), MO Association of School Administrators (Chairman, Small Schools Committee 2013 – Present), and MO Association of School Business Officials.  He also served on the Board of Appeals for the Missouri State High School Activities Association from 2009-2014 and the Coaches Advisory Panel from 2006-209.

Wood has been married to his wife, Shawn, for 30 years and they have two children.  Dr. Ryne Wood is an optometrist in Cape Girardeau and Mandi Wood will graduate in December from Logan College of Chiropractic.

Please join Mitch Wood on Monday, August 3, 2015 and welcome him to our Bearcat Nation with open arms!

Last Updated on August 02nd 2015 by Dee Loflin

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DHS Choir Students Selected to MCDA Honors Choir
July 31st 2015 by Dee Loflin
DHS Choir Students Selected to MCDA Honors Choir
Dexter, Missouri - High School Choir students from Dexter were selected to the Missouri Honors Choir, sponsored by the Missouri Choral Director's Association.

Their annual performances were held on July 22, 2015 in Jefferson City.  Students went through an audition process of submitting recorded auditions.  Out of the students from all over Missouri, these students had the honor of being selected into this prestigious choir.

"They represented Dexter well and their behavior and leadership was over the top," commented Dexter Senior High School Choral Director Jamie Sepulvado.

Ninth and tenth grade students selected were from left to right:  Andrew Teel, Caroline Powers, Angel Maze, Tres Hampton, and Meg Simmons.  Not available for the photo was Jackson Babb.

Last Updated on July 31st 2015 by Dee Loflin

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Dexter Middle School Students Selected to Honors Choir
July 31st 2015 by Dee Loflin
Dexter Middle School Students Selected to Honors Choir
Dexter, Missouri - T. S. Hill Middle School choir students were selected to the Missouri Honors Choir, sponsored by the Missouri Choral Director's Association, which held their annual performances on July 22, 2015 in Jefferson City.

Selected were back row from left to right: Coby Powers, Ethan Kincy, Ethan Kirkley, Cole Barker, and Cutter Cornett.  Front row from left to right: Arianna Carter, Brooklyn Howard, Sydney Patrick, Margo Nea, Madeline Parker, Makayla Pyle, and Aleyshia O'Neal.  Not available for the photo were James Robinson and Sarah Deal.

"These young students represented Dexter well," commented Middle School Choir Director Jamie Sepulvado.  "Their leadership and behavior was over the top."

Ot of the student from all over the state of Missouri, these choir students had the honor of being selected into this prestigious choir.

Last Updated on July 31st 2015 by Dee Loflin

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Grace Sepulvado Selected to MCDA Honors Choir
July 31st 2015 by Dee Loflin
Grace Sepulvado Selected to MCDA Honors Choir
Dexter, Missouri - The Missouri Honors Choir, sponsored by the Missouri Choral director's Association, held their annual performances on July 22, 2015.

Students went through an audition process of submitting recorded auditions.

Out of the students from all over the state of Missouri, Dexter student, Grace Sepulvado, had the honor of being selected into this prestigious choir.

Grace represented Central Elementary in Dexter and was selected as a fourth grader into the Grades 4 through 6 Honors Choir in Jefferson City, Missouri.  Out of the entire state of Missouri, she was one of the few fourth grade students selected into this choir.

Congratulations Grace on a job well done!!

Last Updated on July 31st 2015 by Dee Loflin

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Bank of Grandin Gives Donation to Three Rivers College
July 30th 2015 by Dee Loflin
Bank of Grandin Gives Donation to Three Rivers College
Poplar Bluff, Missouri - The Bank of Grandin finalized a significant donation to the Three Rivers Endowment Trust during a signing event held at Three Rivers College on Tuesday, July 28. In honor of the gift, the college announced that the lobby of the proposed Libla Family Sports Complex would be named in memory of Bob R. Kitterman, a former member of the Three Rivers College Board of Trustees and long-time President of the Bank of Grandin. The donation also secures the sponsorship of the center scoreboard in the arena for the Bank of Grandin.

“We appreciate the opportunity to honor the memory and legacy of my grandfather, who worked so hard in the creation of the college district,” said Travis Kearbey, grandson of Bob R. Kitterman, speaking on behalf of his family. “He understood the importance to this area of residents having access to local, affordable, higher education.”

Signing the agreement were Dr. Wesley Payne, President of Three Rivers College; Rodney Moore, President of the Bank of Grandin; Ben Ressel, Chair of the Three Rivers College Board of Trustees; and Alan Brooks, board member of the Three Rivers Endowment Trust. Also attending the ceremony were members of the Kitterman family and Three Rivers’ staff.

“The Kitterman family, and all the donors to this project, are to be commended. No matter how great the idea is to start with, it won’t happen without those who commit their time and money to make it happen,” said Ressel. “As a former player, this is great for me to see.”

Bob R. Kitterman was President of the Bank of Grandin from 1953-73, having worked his way up to the position from assistant cashier. A Korean War veteran born and raised in Grandin, Kitterman was elected to three terms as Mayor of Grandin, and also served a four-year term as a member of the inaugural Board of Trustees of Three Rivers College. Kitterman passed away in 1973 at age 43.

The donation will go toward the construction of the Libla Family Sports Complex, which will replace the Bess Activity Center as the home of the Raiders and Lady Raiders basketball teams. The current proposal is for a $9.5 million, 75,000-square-foot structure incorporating a 3,000-seat gymnasium, offices for all of Three Rivers’ coaches, improved training and locker room facilities, and a Three Rivers Sports Hall of Fame. The facility also will have a FEMA-certified safe room capable of withstanding an F5-strength tornado funded by a $2.5 million SEMA/FEMA grant.

“It heartens me to see everyone come together to work on a dream, and I thank the Kitterman family and the Bank of Grandin for helping make this dream a reality,” said Payne. “This donation allows us to move forward with the Libla Family Sports Complex and serve our students for many years to come.”

The Three Rivers Endowment Trust is a 501(c)(3) organization that receives and manages donations on behalf of Three Rivers College. For information on supporting this or other college projects/scholarships, contact the Office of Development, 573-840-9077.

Three Rivers College is committed to contributing to the quality of life in Southeast Missouri with quality, affordable higher education opportunities and community services that support and encourage the economic, civic, and cultural vitality of the region. For more information about college and workforce programs and upcoming events, visit trcc.edu.

Members of the Kitterman family, employees of the Bank of Grandin, and members of the Three Rivers College administration and Board of Trustees pose for a photo following a signing ceremony finalizing a donation by the Bank of Grandin toward the proposed Libla Family Sports Complex.

Last Updated on July 30th 2015 by Dee Loflin

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