Local Schools

Bernie School District New Student Registration Information
July 30th 2015 by Dee Loflin
Bernie School District New Student Registration Information

Bernie, Missouri - Parents/Guardians of students who are new to the Bernie School District will begin the registration process in the principal's office. 

The Elementary office is located at 121 South Spiker. 

The High School office is located at 516 West Main.

Documents that need to be brought the day of registration for each student are:

  • birth certificate,
  • social security card,
  • shot records and
  • information regarding the last school attended

You will also need verification of residency in the boundaries of the Bernie R-XIII School District.  Examples of residency verification are:

  • utility bills,
  • rental receipts,
  • driver's license with current address listed

Several forms are available by clicking HERE.

The student will not normally start school on the day the registration forms are filled out. 

A request for records will be sent to the previous school attended on the day of registration and the records provided by the previous school attended will have to be reviewed before the student will be allowed to begin classes.

Last Updated on July 30th 2015 by Dee Loflin

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