New Asst. Basketball and Asst. Football Coaches Hired
Renovations to Football Fieldhouse
Dexter, Missouri - The Dexter School Board along with new superintendent Mitch Wood met for a regularly scheduled board meeting on Tuesday, July 21st.
The Board President announced the meeting to begin with the saying of the Pledge of Allegiance.
Present were Corey Mouser, Herman Morse, Rick Williams, Mitchell Wood, Kevin Bishop, Nancy Mayer, Jim Reiker, Bob Thrower, and Amy James. Not present Mark Nea.
Kevin Bishop, Board President, announced the district will host an opportunity for the community to meet Mr. Mitch Wood, new hired Superintendent of Dexter Public Schools. This event will be hosted by the CTA at the Bearcat Event Center on Monday, August 3rd from 4 p.m. - 6 p.m.
The Board had tabled for discussion at the last regular meeting the approval of the T.S. Hill Middle School Cross Country program.
"I have spoke to the administration and the middle school and the Cross Country coach and after discussion of this I feel it would benefit the middle school students," commented Superintendent Wood. "We have a coach that is wanting to improve the overall program and I think it's something that is very good and we should look at doing this.
There were a few questions about bus transportation and number of student who were interested. Neither seemed to be an issue. With that no further discussion, a motion was made and it was approved by the Board to have the Cross Country program added to the curriculum at T.S. Hill Middle School.
In new business:
A. MARE Membership - the Board renewed its membership
with the Missouri Association of Rural Education
B. 2015-2016 District Goals
The district goals were revised for Board approval.
C. Date and Time for August Tax Rate Hearing
The date for the annual public Tax Rate Hearing was scheduled at 5:50 PM immediately before our next regular Board meeting on August 18, 2015.
D. Set non-resident tuition
The Board approved the 2015-2016 non-resident tuition rate of $7,100.00, same as previous year.
E. Student Handbooks
The Board approved changes to the 2015-2016 student handbooks as submitted by respective building principals.
A. Teacher Orientation Meeting and Staff Luncheon -- The Board of Education was invited to attend the general staff meeting on the opening day of teacher workshops on Monday, August 10th in the high school auditorium.
The Board of Education was invited to attend the annual staff luncheon at 11:30 AM on Monday, August 10th in the high school cafeteria.
Our entire staff will be at this luncheon along with a large number of retirees.
B. MSBA Fall Conference –Wednesday, September 24th through the evening of Friday, September 30th @ Tan-Tar-A.
A. School Resource Officer – Mr. Wood discussed hiring a SRO. Since the 2015-16 budget doesn’t include this personnel cost it was decided to evaluate this at the conclusion of this year for next year.
B. Dexter Public Schools Foundation Report
Mr. Wood reported that a group called “D” Club had contacted him about doing some renovations to the existing football field house and facilities that included the following: Field House – painting, lockers, ceiling and new water fountains. Facilities – paint existing concession stand and part of the existing chain link fencing. Work will be done during the dead period and should be completed by the start of the 2015-2016 season.
C. Policy Reviews. Board policy BBFA: Board Member Conflict of Interest and Financial disclosure and policy INC: Speakers @ District Events were presented for possible adoption or revision at the August 18 regular Board meeting.
In executive session the Board:
* accepted the resignation of high school weight lifting teacher asst. football and asst. baseball coach Brice Beck
* accepted the retirement of Central Elementary kitchen manager Betty G. Bess
* accepted the resignation of paraprofessional Taylor Miller
* approved the transfer assignment of Cathy Sturgeon to Central Elementary kitchen manager and Judy Fralick to High School kitchen manager
* approved the employment of Lucas McKinnis, contingent upon his completion of certification requirements, as a certified teacher for the 2015-2016 school year. His assignment is expected to be social studies and asst. boys basketball coach.
* approved the employment of paraprofessional Patricia Mason for 2015-2016 school year
* approved the employment of paraprofessional Alanna Emmons for 2015-2016 school year
* approved the employment of paraprofessional Melissa Raley for 2015-2016 school year
* approved the employment of paraprofessional Tonya Whitehead for 2015-2016 school year
* approved the employment of paraprofessional / asst. football coach Daniel McCoy for 2015-2016 school year
* approved a list of potential substitute teachers

“It was just an amazing experience, such a great feeling to be competing in a place like Central Park,” said Hovis. “I feel like I gave it my all, especially given that I was up against the best in the nation. It’s been an accomplishment, and I’m very proud of it.”
At the June 20 event, Hovis placed third out of six competitors with 15 points, recording third-place finishes in the single buck, standing block, and underhand chop events, and a fifth place finish in the stock saw event. Cody Labahn of Oregon State University took second with 18 points overall, and Ben Kniceley of Haywood Community College in Clyde, N.C., took the championship with 22 points.
“We’re extremely proud of Aaron and his accomplishments—it’s a big deal for a Marquand boy to end up there on the national stage in New York City,” said Scott Williamson, Director for Three Rivers at the South Central Education Consortium in Willow Springs. Williamson has worked closely with Hovis to help promote the Consortium’s new Timber Harvesting courses. “His dedication and his passion for the sport are just unreal. I think he has a bright future, no matter what he decides to do next.”
In addition to competing nationally and completing his coursework at Three Rivers, Hovis also served as captain of the college’s Triple Creek Cutters timbersports team. The 20-year-old Marquand native says he plans to start his own logging company now that he’s graduated from Three Rivers. As for his future as a timbersports competitor?
“I haven’t decided yet. I’ve had the opportunity to train with some great professionals, but it’s a big commitment,” said Hovis. “I guess we’ll see.”
Three Rivers College is committed to contributing to the quality of life in Southeast Missouri with quality, affordable higher education opportunities and community services that support and encourage the economic, civic, and cultural vitality of the region. For more information about college and workforce programs and upcoming events, visit trcc.edu
Shown in the photo: Aaron Hovis shows off his timbersports skill in a demonstration competition held earlier this year in the Willow Springs area.

Among those honored was Joe Foster representing Richland High School.
The 30th Annual Heartland's Best ceremony was held in the University Ballroom on the campus of Southeast Missouri State University in Cape Girardeau.
All Heartland valedictorians and their parents were invited to attend the ceremony. Students who attended recorded greetings that have been featured in special announcements airing throughout the summer on KFVS12's Heartland News. Kathy Sweeney and Crystal Britt, anchors for Heartland News, introduced each valedictorian with a summary of their honors and achievements.
Joe is the son of Donnie and Tish Foster. He received the Essex Area Development Youth Service Award and was named to All-District Choir and received a #1 rating at the State Music competition. Joseph will attend Southeast Missouri State University.
Photo provided by Kyle Carter, Richland School District.

“We’re excited to be hosting this camp again and to be able to help continue this great tradition of fine arts education,” said Tim Thompson, Director of the Tinnin Fine Arts Center and one of the camp’s instructors. “It’s a wonderful opportunity for kids to have fun, develop their creative side, and participate in the excitement that is the world of theatre.”
Campers will participate in activities teaching acting, improvisation, dance, theatre games, stage makeup, creative dramatics, musical theatre and readers theatre. The camp will culminate in a performance at 11 a.m. Friday, August 8, at Poplar Bluff High School.
Students entering grades 2-8 are eligible to participate. Tim Thompson of Three Rivers College, and Jo Nell Seifert, Director Emeritus at Poplar Bluff High School, will conduct the camp. The cost is $60, which includes a T-shirt, refreshments, and scripts.
Deadline to register is July 17. Registration forms are available by visiting the Tinnin Center office. To have a registration form emailed to you, email tthompson@trcc.edu. Checks should be made payable to Three Rivers College. For more information, call Tim Thompson at 573-840-9648.
Three Rivers College is committed to contributing to the quality of life in Southeast Missouri with quality, affordable higher education opportunities and community services that support and encourage the economic, civic, and cultural vitality of the region. For more information about college and workforce programs and upcoming events, visit trcc.edu.

Dexter, Missouri - As the 2015-2016 school year approaches, members of the Dexter Bearcat Booster Club are busy making plans for an exciting year for our beloved Bearcat Nation!
It’s time for their annual Membership Drive. All who join on or before August 4, 2015 will be entered for a chance to win a Bearcat Stadium Chair!
The Booster Club will also be available at the Bearcat Event Center on August 4th during school registration.
If you would like to get an early start you can download the Dexter Bearcat Booster Club Membership Application by clicking HERE and mail your application to Dexter Bearcat Booster Club, P.O. Box 684, Dexter, MO 63841.
The Dexter Bearcat Booster Club is a student activity Booster Club supporting all student activities at Dexter Senior High School and T.S. Hill Middle School.
During the 2014-2015 school year they were able to help the high school and middle school with the purchase of the following: DMS weight room equipment, football goal post covers, a bassoon for the DMS band, DHS Hud’l Program, DHS Laptop for the basketball program, DHS Scholar Bowl Team Questions for Competitions, DHS Indoor pitching mound for the baseball team, and DHS Cheer Flags. They have also supported the Goodwill Games and Project Prom as well as provide two scholarships each year in the amount of $500 each.
Memberships are available for recent Alumni between the ages of 18 and 25 for just $15.00. Individual Membership is $25.00. Family Membership is $50.00 and includes two Athletic Passes.
If you would like to purchase a Sponsor Membership it’s just $250 and it includes two Athletic Passes and a Dexter Bearcat Booster Club yard sign. A Corporate Membership is $500 and includes one All-Sport Pass and a Dexter Bearcat Booster Club yard sign.
“The purpose of this organization’s existence is to lend support to the total student activities program at the Dexter High School and Middle School recognizing and respecting the school administration’s responsibility to determine what that program shall include and the policies that shall be followed. Additionally, the organization will encourage school spirit, citizenship, and physical growth through keen competition.”
Current 2015-2016 Dexter Bearcat Booster Club Board Members are Travis Miller, President, Jim Murdock, Vice President, Stacy Blocker, Secretary, Dana Adams, Treasurer, Jimmy Aldridge, Kristi Boles, Tracy Hedrick, Kristi Whitehead, Chris Brannon, Bonnie Howard, Dale Jackson, and Hank Trout.