“We appreciate the opportunity to honor the memory and legacy of my grandfather, who worked so hard in the creation of the college district,” said Travis Kearbey, grandson of Bob R. Kitterman, speaking on behalf of his family. “He understood the importance to this area of residents having access to local, affordable, higher education.”
Signing the agreement were Dr. Wesley Payne, President of Three Rivers College; Rodney Moore, President of the Bank of Grandin; Ben Ressel, Chair of the Three Rivers College Board of Trustees; and Alan Brooks, board member of the Three Rivers Endowment Trust. Also attending the ceremony were members of the Kitterman family and Three Rivers’ staff.
“The Kitterman family, and all the donors to this project, are to be commended. No matter how great the idea is to start with, it won’t happen without those who commit their time and money to make it happen,” said Ressel. “As a former player, this is great for me to see.”
Bob R. Kitterman was President of the Bank of Grandin from 1953-73, having worked his way up to the position from assistant cashier. A Korean War veteran born and raised in Grandin, Kitterman was elected to three terms as Mayor of Grandin, and also served a four-year term as a member of the inaugural Board of Trustees of Three Rivers College. Kitterman passed away in 1973 at age 43.
The donation will go toward the construction of the Libla Family Sports Complex, which will replace the Bess Activity Center as the home of the Raiders and Lady Raiders basketball teams. The current proposal is for a $9.5 million, 75,000-square-foot structure incorporating a 3,000-seat gymnasium, offices for all of Three Rivers’ coaches, improved training and locker room facilities, and a Three Rivers Sports Hall of Fame. The facility also will have a FEMA-certified safe room capable of withstanding an F5-strength tornado funded by a $2.5 million SEMA/FEMA grant.
“It heartens me to see everyone come together to work on a dream, and I thank the Kitterman family and the Bank of Grandin for helping make this dream a reality,” said Payne. “This donation allows us to move forward with the Libla Family Sports Complex and serve our students for many years to come.”
The Three Rivers Endowment Trust is a 501(c)(3) organization that receives and manages donations on behalf of Three Rivers College. For information on supporting this or other college projects/scholarships, contact the Office of Development, 573-840-9077.
Three Rivers College is committed to contributing to the quality of life in Southeast Missouri with quality, affordable higher education opportunities and community services that support and encourage the economic, civic, and cultural vitality of the region. For more information about college and workforce programs and upcoming events, visit trcc.edu.
Members of the Kitterman family, employees of the Bank of Grandin, and members of the Three Rivers College administration and Board of Trustees pose for a photo following a signing ceremony finalizing a donation by the Bank of Grandin toward the proposed Libla Family Sports Complex.

Bernie, Missouri - Parents/Guardians of students who are new to the Bernie School District will begin the registration process in the principal's office.
The Elementary office is located at 121 South Spiker.
The High School office is located at 516 West Main.
Documents that need to be brought the day of registration for each student are:
- birth certificate,
- social security card,
- shot records and
- information regarding the last school attended
You will also need verification of residency in the boundaries of the Bernie R-XIII School District. Examples of residency verification are:
- utility bills,
- rental receipts,
- driver's license with current address listed
Several forms are available by clicking HERE.
The student will not normally start school on the day the registration forms are filled out.
A request for records will be sent to the previous school attended on the day of registration and the records provided by the previous school attended will have to be reviewed before the student will be allowed to begin classes.

Dexter, Missouri - Did you graduate from Dexter in 1980? If so, it’s time for you’re your 35th Class Reunion Time!
The Dexter Senior High School Class of 1980 will have a Class Reunion on Saturday, August 8th.
The Reunion will be held at Dhafer’s Mediterranean in Dexter at 7:00 p.m. Come eat, drink, converse and catch up on the latest about your classmates. Just pay your own tab and enjoy!
Casual open atmosphere with a special menu will be available. Dhafer’s is located at 177 S. Locust Street.
Please R.S.V.P. to Mark Hamlett at (949) 232-5060.

Poplar Bluff, Missouri - Three Rivers College has released the Spring 2015 Dean’s List.
The honor is awarded to students taking 12 or more credit hours in a semester, who achieve a G.P.A. of 3.5 or above. Dean’s List honors are also used at graduation to help determine eligibility for honors or highest honors.
Three Rivers College is committed to contributing to the quality of life in Southeast Missouri with quality, affordable higher education opportunities and community services that support and encourage the economic, civic, and cultural vitality of the region. For more information about college and workforce programs and upcoming events, visit trcc.edu.
The following are students from Stoddard County, Missouri:
Jessica L. Beal, Brittney N. Cato, Michelle A. Conley, Kelcee M. Davault
Kaitlyn B. Blanchette, Caleb D. Ellenburg, Sarah E. Elles, Jodi L. Hendrickson, Courtney N. King, Kenneth R. Owens, Chelsea N. Wagner
Brooklyn T. Allen, Donita R. Birk, Stephanie C. Bishop, Rebecca G. Bryeans, Kaylin M. Goins, Megan N. Greder, James L. Holt, Chelsie N. James, Erin R. Metcalf, Jean M. Pearson, Kasity A. Twaddell
Naoma S. Avery, Kristin B. Bailey, Brooke A. Baker, Sheena A. Barber, Chelsea D. Burch, Matthew G. Camden, Chris L. Cannon, Erika R. Cobb, Justin C. Cowart, Tabatha R. Crow, Jeremy P. Davis, Larry D. Durham, David W. Fortner, Ashley N. Fowler, Hunter B. Frampton, Stephani D. Fulford, Sara A. Gentry, Sarah R. Gibson, Jessica B. Gott, Micaela G. Griffin, Kayla J. Hester, Savannah J. Hicks, Lisa A. Holt, Billie J. Huffman, Ryan E. Humphrey, Sherry L. Humphrey, Haley R. Hutchison, Ashley M. Jackson, Miranda K. Johnson, Jessica N. Kinchen, Haley E. Machado, Jamie L. Maslinski, Michael E. McCullough, Andrew K. Moore, Dialina L. Morgan, Nicholas B. Noble, Taylor N. Owens, Jonathan M. Page, Whittney J. Parks, Hannah L. Petty, Alexis R. Rauls, Brianna N. Roberts, Miranda R. Rogers, Adrian P. Scallion, Carole M. Sims, Melissa L. Smith, Nicholas W. Summers, Zachary T. Taylor, George M. Warren, Kali M. Watson, Victoria R. Wiley
Katrina C. Duncan, Brittney H. Heitman, Ashley M. Tilley
Megan M. McGowen, Dakotah L. McMeans, Melissa S. Price, Trentan B. Rogers

Bernie, Missouri - Bernie Public Schools will host their annual New Student Registration Day on Thursday, July 30th, 2015 from 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
First day of classes are slated for Thursday, August 13th.
The Bernie Kindergarten has already made available the 2015-2016 School Supply List. They will also have a Kindergarten Orientation on Monday, August 10th at 6:30 p.m.
The following is a list of school supplies for the Kindergarten class:
1 Backpack – no wheels
Small Plastic Art Box
12 Regular #2 Pencils, NO mechanical
3 Packs of Crayons: Box of 24
2 Black Dry Erase Markers
Jumbo Eraser
Blunt Scissors
6 Jumbo Glue Sticks
3 Large Boxes of Kleenex
PE Shoes for Gym Use Only – no zippered shoes