Mark Reed, Stoddard County Conservation Agent
Missouri Department of Conservation
Bloomfield, Missouri - If you are looking for a great way to get the kids’ summer started, look no further. Local volunteers along with support from businesses, the National Wild Turkey Federation and the Missouri Department of Conservation will be holding the Stoddard County JAKES Event on Saturday, June 13. This annual event has been a hit with kids and parents alike so if you haven’t attended one yet, here is your chance. The day begins at 8:00 am sharp so arrive early. We will wrap up activities around 1:00 pm just after lunch and the ever popular candy cannon presented by the Crowley’s Ridge Blackpowder Club.
The JAKES Event is open to all kids age 6 thru 16 and lunch is provided. The day is free thanks to financial support from the community and local businesses. As in past years, the event will be held at the Holly Ridge Conservation Area archery range and pavilion on Stoddard County Road 517. The easiest way to find the area is to travel east from Bloomfield on HWY E then turn south on CR 517. Stay on 517 and you will find us.
Popular activities include archery, trapping, target shooting, nature hike, primitive skills, and more. The kids are divided into small groups based on age and move around the area on a schedule, allowing everyone to participate in all activities. Friends and family will be able to stay together throughout the day. The NWTF and MDC are strong supporters of family and introducing others to the great outdoors. The NWTF’s philosophy of “Share the Hunt” encourages avid sportsmen and women to take others along not only on hunting trips but also a variety of other outdoor experiences.
All equipment will be provided by the NWTF and the MDC so you don’t need to bring anything except an appetite for adventure and maybe some bug spray. Most of the day will take place in mowed areas but closed toe shoes are recommended for walks in the woods. Each activity will be supervised by experienced personnel to ensure a safe and enjoyable day.
There’s no better way to get the kids off their electronic devices and in touch with Mother Nature for a few hours than with this free and enjoyable day. As a bonus, we provide lunch and you don’t have to do the dishes. For more information, contact John Pyles at 568-3774, Mark Reed at 421-3240, or American Outdoors at 624-5421.