Local News
Moonlight Madness Tonight!
November 14th 2013 by Unknown

Written by Jill Temples
SMT Writer
Dexter, Missouri- Moonlight Madness will take place in Downtown Dexter tonight from 5:00 p.m.- 9:00 p.m. Many stores in the downtown area will be participating in this event, as well as other area stores that are not located in Downtown Dexter.
This is the perfect time to begin your Christmas shopping, as many stores will be offering great sales for the upcoming holidays!
The Welcome Center (Old Depot) will be open Friday evening during the Moonlight Madness until 9:00 p.m. They will be coffee, refreshments, and restrooms available to the public. They will also have tables and chairs for relaxing if the weather is chilly!
Come out and support our community as you shop and enjoy the great sales!
Last Updated on November 14th 2013 by Unknown