Local News

Monday is Veterans Day
November 10th 2013 by Dee Loflin
Monday is Veterans Day

Submitted by
Dee Loflin, SMT Manager/Editor

Missouri - This Veterans Day, Gov. Jay Nixon is encouraging Missourians to recognize and thank throughout the year the dedicated men and women who have honorably served in our nation’s military.

“Generations of Missourians have answered the call to serve in our military and preserve our freedoms,” Gov. Nixon said. “On Veterans Day, especially, we acknowledge the sacrifices these men and women have made and give renewed honor and respect to our armed forces. On behalf of six million Missourians, I thank our veterans for their selfless dedication to our country.”

Gov. Nixon’s administration has made it a priority to ensure veterans have a smooth transition from military life to civilian life, including access to high-paying and meaningful careers. In 2010, Gov. Nixon established the Show-Me Heroes program, an initiative that helps connect military veterans with job opportunities when they return home from service. 

“Serving in the Armed Forces, one develops a unique set of skills and strong work ethic, making these men and women incredibly valuable members of our workforce,” the Governor said. “From an Army Civil Affairs Specialist, to a Business Operations Specialist, or a Navy Hospital Corpsman to an EMT, these folks are highly trained individuals with in demand skills. I encourage all employers to consider how hiring veterans could improve their business.”

Administered by the Missouri Division of Workforce Development, Show-Me Heroes showcases Missouri businesses that are willing and eager to hire veterans. Employers participating in the Show-Me Heroes program sign a pledge to ramp up efforts to reach out to, recruit and interview veterans for job openings at their business.

To date, 3,440 Missouri businesses have taken the Show-Me Heroes pledge and 4,622 veterans have been hired. Businesses that have hired veterans receive the Flag of Freedom award, which consists of a plaque featuring an American flag patch from the combat uniform of a member of the Missouri National Guard worn while that Citizen-Soldier or Airman was deployed in Iraq or Afghanistan. 

Gov. Nixon thanked Missouri businesses that have taken the Show-Me Heroes pledge and made efforts to hire local veterans.

Last Updated on November 10th 2013 by Dee Loflin

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