Submitted by Jill Temples
SMT Writer
Malden, Missouri- On Saturday, November 9th, the Beautiful, Brave, and Strong, We Wear Lime Green for Darian 5K Run/ Walk will be held at the Malden City Park at 1:00 p.m. to benefit Darian Muse and her fight against Lymphoma.
The registration fee is $25.00. All participants that register by October 31st will receive a FREE T-SHIRT! Shirts for non-participants may also be purchased for $20.00.
The divisions below will be separated by gender.
15 and under 15-19 years old
20-29 years old 30-39 years old
40-49 years old 50-55 years old 55 +The top three runners in each division will receive medallions.
The top walker will also receive a medallion.
-Registration forms can be found at Fitness Connection in Dexter.
Please make checks payable to the Darian Muse Health Fund.
Return forms to:
Amber Anderson
16246 CR 511
Dexter, MO 63841