Dee Loflin, SMT Manager/Editor
Bloomfield, Missouri - "Welcome Home" - WWII Reenactment and Demonstration to be held on Saturday October 19th.
Military vehicles on display, plus military display camps with groups representing the United States, Great Britain and her Commonwealth Nations, the Soviet Union and Germany.
Enjoy weapons demonstrations, equipment and uniform talks, camp displays, small skirmishes and other activities.
This World War II Living History Event will be held on the Stars & Stripes Museum grounds in Bloomfield, Missouri. Food vendors are available.
Admission: $5 per car load and is from 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
7377 Stars and Stripes Way Bloomfield, MO 63825

Submitted by Jill Temples
SMT Writer
Colonel Ron Replogle, superintendent of the Missouri State Highway Patrol, announces the Patrol will take part in Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance's Operation Safe Driver during the week of October 20-26, 2013. Operation Safe Driver is an enforcement program that targets unsafe and aggressive driving by passenger and commercial motor vehicle drivers in order to raise awareness and make our roadways safer.
Each year more than 36,000 people die in traffic crashes throughout North America -- many of which are the direct result of unsafe and aggressive driving practices by both passenger and commercial vehicle drivers.
Troopers will be specifically targeting traffic violations that can lead to traffic crashes, such as speeding, following too close, use of a handheld mobile device (in commercial vehicles), and failure to signal when changing lanes or turning.
Motorists are urged to share the road, be courteous drivers, and pay attention—no matter what size vehicle they operate. Drivers of smaller vehicles are urged to take extra care when driving near commercial vehicles. Motorists should keep the following in mind:
Stay out of the No-Zone. No-Zones are actually blind spots where the car disappears from the view of the truck driver.
Stay visible! Large trucks need a much longer braking distance than a car. Don't cut into a truck's space. If this happens, it reduces a truck's much needed breaking distance and restricts evasive action.
Don't tailgate a truck. The further you are away from a truck the less likely you will be involved in a collision.
Don't speed. Obey all speed limits.
Allow plenty of room. Large trucks are almost as wide as your lane of travel. Driving too close behind one prevents you from reacting to changing traffic conditions and patterns.
Buckle up. Wearing your safety belt is the single most important thing you can do to save your life in a crash.
The Missouri State Highway Patrol's Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Division will be joined by the Kansas City Police Department Commercial Vehicle Unit, St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department's Commercial Vehicle Unit, and Missouri Department of Transportation's Motor Carrier Services for Operation Safe Driver.

Submitted by
Dee Loflin, SMT Manager/Editor
Memphis, Tennessee - Oct. 15, 2013 - The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Memphis District today announced it will close its Regulatory offices due to the absence of available federal funding. Regulatory offices will be unable to evaluate individual permit applications, pre-construction notifications (PCNs) for nationwide permit (NWP) or regional general permit authorizations, or requests for jurisdictional determinations until after current year funding is received and the offices reopen.
During this time, should an emergency activity need to be conducted in waters or wetlands that requires a Department of the Army authorization under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and/or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899, please call Tonya Acuff, Regulatory and Environmental Compliance Program Manager, Mississippi Valley Division (MVD) at 601-634-5821.
Those applying for NWP authorizations are reminded that proposed NWP activities that require PCNs must wait 45 days before beginning the activity (see 33 CFR 330.1(e)). Please note that certain NWP PCNs require a written response from USACE before beginning the NWP activity. More NWP information can be found at http://www.usace.army.mil/Missions/CivilWorks/RegulatoryProgramandPermits/NationwidePermits.aspx.
Prospective applicants should ensure proposed activities comply with all NWP terms and conditions, including regional conditions. They must also obtain other required authorizations, such as Clean Water Act Section 401 water quality certification or waiver if the proposed activity involves a discharge into waters of the United States, or Coastal Zone Management Act consistency concurrence or waiver if the proposed activity occurs in the coastal zone, prior to conducting NWP activities.
Regional conditions that have been imposed on the 2012 NWPs are provided online at each Regulatory office Web site.
For more information on Memphis District's Regulatory Program, please visit http://www.mvm.usace.army.mil/About/Offices/Regulatory.aspx.

Dee Loflin, SMT Manager/Editor
We published an article earlier this year of how "Two People With One Goal" were able to create a beautiful collaboration between a community and those that needed their help. They established "End Poverty in Stoddard County" and decided, as their first commitment to the community was to host a Coat Drive.
"End Poverty in Stoddard County" has started a new project in our area. They will be collecting items needed by the Stoddard County Children's Home.
These items include canned goods and other non-perishable food items, boys and girls clothing sizes 4-8, boys and girls shoes sizes 2-3, and children size coats, jackets, gloves, hats and scarves. These items are what they need, however they will collect other items you would like to donate.
You may drop these items off at the Poplar Bluff Regional Medical Center in Dexter, the T.S. Hill Middle School Library or contact Alexis Smith at 573-820-5699 or Jacob Robinson at 573-552-2108. These two amazing students will even pick up your donations.
They will be collecting from now until November 1st and then deliver to the children's home on November 2nd.
It's truly amazing how two Dexter High School Students can do so much in such a short period of time. The Stoddard County community is very proud of Alexis Smith and Jacob Robinson. They proved that they are truly "two people with one goal".
Join the fight to end poverty in Stoddard County. Any donations are appreciated. To find out what their next community project will be or for more information about this new organization, "End Poverty in Stoddard County", they have established a website, www.endpovertystoddardcounty.com and a Facebook page.
Article Written by
SMT Writing Staff
Dr. Barry Aycock Asked To Serve As Missouri Director of Agriculture
Parma, MO - Lifelong Southeast Missouri resident and agri-businessman, Dr. Barry Aycock made it official today that he will not accept the invitation to become Missouri's next Director of Agriculture. Aycock spoke with Governor Jay Nixon's Chief of Staff John Watson earlier this morning explaining that "while I am honored and humbled that the Governor has the confidence in me to lead this department, the timing is not right for myself or my family."
Barry’s strong advocacies for agricultural issues and expanded technologies, coupled with his strong business sense delivers the political light upon Aycock. Very similar to January of 2013, Aycock carefully considered running for the democratic nomination for the 8th district. He opted not to pursue that position at that time.
His qualification and broad background make him an ideal future candidate to represent our region, yet his dedication to AgXplore along with family commitments ultimately remain his priority at this time.
Aycock's passion for agriculture became very evident when he started his first business – Aycock Agricultural Services -- as a cotton consultant in 1989. Later, Barry was asked by the Bolivian Ambassador to come to Bolivia to assist eight farm businesses as a cotton crop consultant.
AgXplore International, LLC was founded in 1999 following Barry’s consulting trip to Bolivia. The company is involved with fertilizer, research and agricultural consulting, providing places like Bolivia, along with the United States and other countries, with high-quality fertilizers and additive products.
Barry is a 1991 graduate of Southeast Missouri State University with a Bachelor of Science majoring in Agronomy. Aycock also holds a Master of Science from the University of Missouri-Columbia and a doctorate from Southern Illinois University, Carbondale.
In 1996, he was named National Cotton Consultant of the Year by Cotton Farming Magazine, the youngest and the only person from Missouri to ever win the award.
Barry and his wife Michelle have two children, Joel and Jonathan.
Congratulations to Barry!!