
Industrial Appreciation Week Golf Scramble
September 06th 2013 by Dee Loflin
Industrial Appreciation Week Golf Scramble

Submitted by Jill Temples

SMT Writer

Dexter, Missouri- To celebrate the 2013 Industrial Appreciation Week the Dexter Chamber of Commerce will hold a 4-Person Golf Scramble on Wednesday, September 11th.  The golf scramble will be held at the Hidden Trails Country Club in Dexter and will begin at 1:00 p.m. with a shotgun start.

There will be a $40 entry fee.  This fee includes the golf cart, green fees, and a meal after the scramble.

Ladies Tees will be sold 2 for $5 with a limit of 2 per player.

Mulligans will also be sold 2 for $5 with a limit of 2 per player.

The 50/50 Pot will be 6 for $5. Including PRIZES FOR ALL!!!

Pre-registration entry fee total for a team of 4 will by $160.00

Teams may purchase Ladies Tees at time of pre-registration:

       -Maximum Ladies Tees for a team of 4 will be $20.00

    Teams may purchase Mulligans at of pre-registration:

       -Maximum Mulligans for a team of 4 will be $20.00

Pre-registration for a team of 4 with a maximum number of Mulligans and Ladies Tees will be $200.00

(The Mulligans and Ladies Tees will be included with a score card)

To register for the scramble call: Janet or Carol with the Dexter Chamber of Commerce at 573-624-7458

Last Updated on September 06th 2013 by Dee Loflin

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