Dee Loflin, SMT Manager/Writer
"Missouri Girls State (MGS) was first established in 1940 as one of 11 Girls State programs in the nation. The first session was held at William Woods University (then College), Fulton, in the summer of 1940 under the direction of Lutie Long Smith. There were 213 citizens in attendance the first year and Juanita Curry was elected Governor.
The citizens were divided into 3 counties -- Scott, Price, and Barton; and there were six cities -- Pershing, Koontz, Boone, Crowder, Lewis, and Clark. MGS was located at William Woods for 17 sessions, with no sessions held in 1943 and 1945 due to war. Following a fire at the college in 1959, MGS transferred to Christian College, Columbia, in 1960.
In 1961, the program moved to Stephens College, Columbia, due to the need for a larger facility. The program returned again to William Woods University in 1976, where it remained until 1998 when it moved to Central Missouri State University, Warrensburg (now University of Central Missouri).
Currently, MGS has 760 citizens in 7 counties and 21 cities. Our cities and counties are named after famous or important people to the American Legion Auxiliary and the State of Missouri or those individuals who have contributed in some way to the success of the Missouri Girls State program."

Dexter, Missouri - Six young ladies had a once in a lifetime chance to attend Missouri Girls State 2013 held on the University of Central Missouri's Campus in Warrensburg, Missouri. Attending this year were Sara Mouser, Alison Jarrell, Riley Rickman, Mollie Whitehead, Kendra Stevenson, and Reale Cook.
Each summer local organizations contribute to make it financially feasible for select girls who have completed their junior year in high school to attend Girls State. The American Legion Auxiliary sponsors the event where the girls live together as a self-governing citizens and may run for public offices at the city, county and state levels. They are also involved in fundraising, running for office, election processes, sponsoring bills and follow the process of guiding a bill into law.
"They have a greater understanding and appreciation of their roles as American citizens," stated Dee Wamble, American Legion Auxillary Unit #59 Girls State Coordinator. "Also this endeavor could not be made possible without the contributions of local service organizations."

At Girls State Kendra served on the City Central Committee and was appointed Clark City Attorney. She was later elected as Davidson County Prosecuting Attorney. The Dexter Rotary Club was the civic organization who contributed to her attendance.

She is an avid basketball player performing with the Lady Bearcat Basketball team and is a member of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Mollie is also a member of Future Teacher of American an attends Liberty Hill General Baptist Church.
While at Girls State she served as a delegate and served on the State Central Committee. "I made friendship that will last a lifetimes. Girls State taught me how to be a leader, have confidence in myself, and realize that my opinion and my voice are very important." Her attendance was made possible through the Dexter Lions Club.
Judge Miller quoted at the inauguration, "There are two ways to spread light; to be the flame, or to be the mirror that reflect it." "That quote will be one I will never forget." stated Miss Whitehead.
Alison Jarrell is the daughter of Dennis and Paula Jarrell and attends

Miss Jarrell is a Dexter Honor Society Member, FCA and FBLA student member. Her plans after high school are to obtain a degree in athletic training then attend a physical therapy program and earn her doctorate.
At Girls State she served on the County Council Committee as well as the State Council Committee. Her attendance was made possible by the Dexter Kiwanis Club.

She plans to attend Murray State University following high school.
Riley served on the City Council at Girls State for the city of Adreon. She was sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary of Dexter.
Sarah Mouser is the daughter of Eric and Pam Mouser of Dexter. She is a member of the South Pleasant Valley General Baptist Church.
She is also a member of FCA, FBLA and Dexter Honor Society. She plans to attend Missouri State University and hopes to teach elementary students.
Sarah served on the State Committee as a Girls State attendee and her contributor was the Dexter Elks Lodge #2439.
Reale Cook is the daughter of Shannon and Karen Cook. She is

At Girls State she became an election official and resided int he city of Cockrill. Her attendance was made possible through the Stoddard County Real Estate Board.
Congratulations to all of these ladies as they further their education as seniors at DHS this year. We look forward to your latest accomplishments.
If you would like to read more about Missouri Girls State just follow the link at www.misourigirlsstate.org.