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T.S. Hill Mid-Schools Holds Mock Elections
November 05th 2012 by Staff Writer
T.S. Hill Mid-Schools Holds Mock Elections
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Dexter, Missouri - Mock Elections were held at the T. S. Hill Middle School this morning.  Students from the 6th, 7th and 8th grade classes were all given the opportunity to participate during their Social Studies class time.

Students were required to show their own identification via sample voter registration cards and were given a ballot to participate in the mock election process.  Complete with voters booth and all, students were given an opportunity to better understand the election process and were encouraged to get involved.

This projected was organized by the classrooms of Mrs. Sweeney, Mrs. Foster, and Mrs. Thurmon.  During "Election Day," these teachers were assisted by some parent volunteers to actually give the look and feel of a real live voting experience.

"This is a great lesson for the kids and the school is very excited to be able to participate in the voting process,"  noted Scott Kruse of T. S. Hill Middle School.  "It's pretty neat for them to be exposed to this important civic duty."

Remember, tomorrow is the day for each citizen to exercise their right to vote.  Be sure to make it a priority on your daily list.

Last Updated on November 05th 2012 by Unknown

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