Local News

Make Your Voice Heard: Vote
November 05th 2012 by Unknown
Make Your Voice Heard: Vote
Written by
Jessica Snider SMT Writer

Many people feel as if tomorrow’s election will result in the biggest voter turnout in the history of voting.

No matter the reason you’re voting, or even who you’re voting for; make sure you get out to your polling place and make your voice heard by casting a vote!

Not only is the Presidential Race important, but there are also races on the 2012 ballot that will directly affect people of Stoddard County. Many local races will be the reason that a large number of people decide to get out and vote.  

No matter your political party or presidential candidate preference, we encourage you to exercise your right to vote tomorrow!

All Missouri polls will open at 6:00 A.M. and remain open until 7:00 P.M.

Get your vote on!!

Last Updated on November 05th 2012 by Unknown

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