Hits for Hope; Dexter Lady Bearcats
September 27th 2012 by Unknown
Hits for Hope; Dexter Lady Bearcats

This year’s Hits For Hope game at DHS will feature a matchup of the Dexter Lady Bearcat volleyball girls against the Puxico Lady Indians. The game will be played on Monday October 1st at 6:00 P.M.

Dexter will wear specially made pink uniforms, a pink ball will be used, pink whistles used, the Bearcat Event Center will be decked out in pink and money will be raised for 18 FORE Life and Breast Cancer Awareness.

The sponsors of this event are the Dexter Lady Bearcat Volleyball team, and they would like to invite everyone to come out and support their efforts to raise money for 18 Fore Life and Breast Cancer Awareness. 

/images/SMT/hits for hope vb player.jpgTo raise money for this wonderful charity they ask for everyone to sponsor them by paying for each Ace, Kill, and Dig that they get in the game against Puxico.  For those who would like to sponsor them the donation is $10 for each Ace, $5 for each Kill, and $1 for each Dig that the LadyCats record in their game against the Puxico Indians.  The official game stats will be used to determine the payout that will be donated to 18 Fore Life and Breast Cancer Awareness.

The volleyball team will also be selling paper volleyballs in honor or memory of loved ones that have been affected by breast cancer, holding a silent auction, and offering up a 50/50 drawing that night as a means of raising money. If you have any questions about sponsoring the LadyCats, don’t hesitate to contact Dana Adams at danaadams@montgomerybank.com

Bloomfield, Bernie and Richland will also host these events, so be sure to watch out for the announcement of those event times.

Last Updated on September 27th 2012 by Unknown

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