Local Schools
FFA Compete At District Contest
April 06th 2011 by News
Submitted by SMT Reader
Ronnie Shipman,
Dexter FFA Chapter Advisor
Dexter High Schools FFA (Future Farmers of America) Chapter competed in District competition recently and three teams qualified for state contest.
The district contest was held March 24 and 26 in Cape Girardeau.
The Agronomy Team placed 5th in the competition. Team members had to identify weeds and crops by looking at seeds and plants. They had to judge classes of soybeans and wheat. They also had to take a comprehensive test over al the different aspects of plant science and agronomy. Team members are, Will Baker, Dylan Sandlin and Christin Sitzes.
The Dairy Cattle team placed 7th. In this contest, members were required to rank classes of dairy cattle from best to worst and then give oral reasons in front of a judge on why they placed the class that way. They also took and test over dairy production and completed a sire evaluation study. Team members are Drew Crider, Amberly Creg, Derek Felker and Savannah Hicks.
Chelsey Massey placed second in Division One public speaking. Chelsey qualified to complete at district by placing first in area FFA competition. She wrote and presented a 3-4 minute speech based on a topic in the Agri Science I curriculum.
Photo Above: FFA members have qualified to compete at the 83rd state FFA convention held in Columbia, on April 14-15. Pictured left to right sitting- Dairy Cattle Judging team- Derek Felker, Drew Crider and Amberly Creg. Not pictured is Savannah Hicks Standing left to right- Division One speaker- Chelsey Massey. Agronomy Team, Dylan Sandlin, Christin Sitzes and Will Baker.
Last Updated on April 06th 2011 by News