Local Schools

Bloomfield Agriculture Education Teacher Honored by MO Vocational Ag Teachers Association
August 14th 2017 by Dee Loflin
Bloomfield Agriculture Education Teacher Honored by MO Vocational Ag Teachers Association
Bloomfield Agriculture Education Teacher is honored by the Missouri Vocational Agriculture Teachers Association

Chad Upchurch, was recently awarded with a Distinguished Service Award at the 2017 MVATA Awards Luncheon.  

Upchurch represented the Southeast District Association of the organization.  

This awards luncheon was held as a function of the Missouri Vocational Agricultural Teachers Association annual conference held during the Missouri Association of Career and Technical Education Conference in Springfield.

MVATA is a professional agriculture education teacher association that has 510 members serving 339 schools.

Last Updated on August 14th 2017 by Dee Loflin

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Dexter School Board Issues Press Release on Facility Needs
August 14th 2017 by Dee Loflin
Dexter School Board Issues Press Release on Facility Needs
Dexter R-XI School District Press Release: Studies Long Range Financing Plans To Accommodate Priority Facilities Needs

At a special workshop meeting of the Board of Education for the Dexter R-XI School District conducted on August 10, 2017, at the District administration offices, several long range planning matters concerning the potential levy necessary to meet the priority facilities needs of the District were discussed at length.  

The District’s municipal bond underwriter, L.J. Hart & Company of St. Louis, Missouri, reviewed several project amounts and Larry J. Hart, President/CEO of the firm, explained the associated debt service fund levies necessary to accommodate each hypothetical situation.

The Board President, Rick Williams, stated, “Since Fiscal Year 2006-07, the District’s assessed valuation has only grown by 1.78%. However, the District’s facilities have continued to age, and the projected costs of fixing our buildings to be more conducive to a quality education are likely to rise in the near term.  I believe we need to give some careful thought as to what the best course of action might be for establishing the debt service fund levy at the August tax rate hearing at a level sufficient to complete our numerous high priority facility improvements.”

The superintendent of schools, C.A. Counts, pointed out that an approach that focuses on preserving the debt service levy does not appear to be viable in terms of accomplishing the multitude of improvements that are a high priority.  He requested that L.J. Hart & Company bring projections to the meeting to demonstrate what can be achieved with associated levy adjustments to fund hypothetical project amounts for the board members’ knowledge. He also mentioned that the increase in assessed valuation for the Fiscal Year 2017-18 was above the Consumer Price Index (CPI) which has the impact of reducing the operating tax levy ceiling by 2.21 Cents from $2.7869 of Fiscal Year 2016-17 to $2.7648 per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation for Fiscal Year 2017-18. We need to consider at least moving this 2.21 Cents to debt service to maintain a constant total tax levy,” Mr. Counts remarked. 

The District’s last general obligation bond issue election was on April 3, 2007 for the $14,000,000 to construct the new classrooms at Southwest Elementary, Dexter High School, T.S. Hill Middle School, Central Elementary and to construct the new Event Center and other improvements. The District’s assessed valuation at that time was $157,235,714 and was averaging approximately a seven percent (7.00%) annual growth rate although the Board of Education asked the Municipal Bond Underwriter, L.J. Hart & Company, to only project it at 3.50% to be conservative. Now eleven years later, the District’s assessed valuation is $190,324,289 and has only averaged an annual growth rate of 1.27% for the last five years. The facilities of the District did not stop aging during this time period, and in fact, the cost of making additional improvements has probably escalated, which also increases the difficulty of trying to do this work with additional bonds within the existing 62.31 Cent debt service levy. 

After taking into consideration the Series 2016 Refunding, the Missouri State Auditor’s Form C Debt Service Computation provided a recommended debt service levy of about 75.54 Cents per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation. The legal general obligation bonding capacity of the Dexter R-XI School District is approximately $21,647,154 for the April 3, 2018 election. To be able to amortize another $21,000,000 of bonds, the necessary debt service fund levy is anticipated to be 95 Cents, an increase of $62.11 per year for a taxpayer with a $100,000 fair market value home. L.J. Hart & Company presented another example for a financing of $10,000,000 general obligation bond issue that can be managed with a 69.52 Cent debt service fund levy ($9.50 of additional expense for a taxpayer with a $100,000 fair market value home). 

The Board of Education decided to seek a quick estimate of the total priority needs at the high school and other buildings in order to determine where to set the debt service fud levy at the August 16, 2017 tax rate hearing. With the District’s 2016-17 total levy of $3.4100, the Dexter R-XI School District ranks 27th out of 32 Districts that have similar enrollments (between 1,732 and 2,455) in the state of Missouri. Increasing the total levy by five cents to $3.4600, which represents the 2.21 Cent required decrease in the Incidental Fund and a 7.21 Cent increase in the debt service levy to 69.52 Cents would only move the District up to 26th out of the 32 Districts. If the District chooses to set the debt service levy at 95 Cents and grow the total levy to $3.7148, the Dexter R-XI School District would move to the 22nd spot. In any case, the District is going to remain below the average of about $3.99 for these 32 schools of similar enrollment.

After several questions were asked, the Board of Education directed Mr. Counts to prepare the hearing notice for the August 16, 2017 tax rate hearing of $2.7648 in the operating fund and to move the debt service fund levy to 69.52 Cents per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation.  If we meet with any noticeable resistance from the community at the tax rate hearing, we can listen carefully to it and change our decision.  Since it is part of our financial planning and represents good stewardship by the Board of Education, I expect most of our citizens are going to remain supportive,” Mr. Williams stated.  

The board members expressed appreciation to Mr. Counts and L.J. Hart & Company for the comprehensive report. “It is important that we establish our facilities priorities soon and adjusting the debt service fund levy in a way to prepare and involve the patrons as we jointly develop our future financing and building plans,” Mr. Williams concluded. 

Last Updated on August 14th 2017 by Dee Loflin

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Early Childhood Screening Set for August 23, 2017
August 11th 2017 by Dee Loflin
Early Childhood Screening Set for August 23, 2017

Dexter, Missouri - Dexter Public Schools is offering a FREE Early Childhood Screening to all children ages 2 1/2 to 4 years of age who reside in the Dexter R-XI School District.

The screening will be held in the preschool classroom housed in the Kindergarten wing of Southwest Elementary and will be conducted by Southwest Elementary Early Childhood andParents as Teachers educators.  Child Development, Vision, and Hearing will be included in the screening and an educator will be available to discuss your child's achievements.

The screening will take about 30 - 45 minutes to complete. Hours of the screening are 8:00 a.m. - Noon.

Please call the Parents as Teachers office to set up your appointment at (573) 614-1004, Ext 1213 or Ext 1214.

This is a FREE service by the Dexter Public Schools.

Last Updated on August 11th 2017 by Dee Loflin

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T.S. Hill Middle School Weekly Calendar of Events
August 10th 2017 by Dee Loflin
T.S. Hill Middle School Weekly Calendar of Events
Dexter T.S. Hill Middle School - This listing of T.S. Hill Middle School activities is a service offered by the ShowMe Times, working in partnership with C.A. Counts, Superintendent, Scott Kruse, Middle School Principal and the Dexter Public Schools for your convenience.

We hope you will mark your calendar and we encourage everyone to support our local students and their activities.  The education and growth of young people in our community is the key to everyone's future!

If you would like to submit information and a picture of a student and his/her accomplishments, send it to dloflin@showmetimes.com or call (573) 380-3318.

Thursday Aug 10 First Day of School (Half  Day)
Friday  Aug 11 Class Meetings 6th/2nd Hr, 7th/5th Hr, 8th/6th Hr

Future Dates
Tuesday          Aug 15 Send Home Back To School Dance Info
                              Parent/Teacher Social  5:30-7:00
Wednesday     Aug 16 1st Quarter Headed to the Top Contracts go home
Thursday         Aug 17 Back to School Dance  6:00-8:00  80’s ROCK Theme
Friday              Aug 18 HTTOP Contracts Due
Monday           Aug 21 PLUS Begins  7:30AM and 3:07PM
Friday              Aug 25 Technology Cleaning in Classrooms
Monday           Sept 4 NO School-Labor Day
Tuesday          Sept 5 Football vs. NMCC (7/8) 4:00
Thursday         Sept 7 FB vs. Malden (7/8) 5:00
Monday           Sept 11 8th Hour Grade Check
Tuesday          Sept 12 Football vs East Prairie (7) 5:00
Wednesday     Sept 13 Mid Quarters Go Home
Monday           Sept 18 FB @ Caruthersville 5:00/3:00
Tuesday          Sept 19 Hearing/Vision Screening
                                     Stoddard County Parade  
Thursday         Sept 21 Football vs. Doniphan (7/8) 5:00
Thursday         Sept 28 FBall vs. Kennett 7/8 5:00

Last Updated on August 10th 2017 by Dee Loflin

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Elder Awarded Schell Scholarship at University of Missouri - Columbia
August 09th 2017 by Dee Loflin
Elder Awarded Schell Scholarship at University of Missouri - Columbia
Elder awarded Elyzabeth H. Schell Scholarship from MU College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources

Columbia, Missouri - Kendra Elder of Bloomfield, Missouri, has been awarded the Elyzabeth H. Schell Scholarship from the University of Missouri College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources for the 2017-2018 academic year. 
“Scholarships enable us to recruit and retain academically talented students to our college,” said Bryan Garton, associate dean of academic programs.
Elder, a junior majoring in agricultural education, is the daughter of Jerry Elder and Pam Elder.
The Elyzabeth H. Schell Scholarship was established in 1981 by the estate of Elyzabeth Schell. The Schells were in the dairy business in the Kansas City area and had a strong interest in agriculture. Scholarships are awarded to students whose parents are Missouri landowning farmers or ranchers.
"As the cost of earning a college degree continues to increase, more students are in need of financial assistance,” Garton said.  “The goal of our college over the next five years is to increase our total annual scholarships awarded from approximately $1.3 to $1.5 million.”
Information on scholarships and the college is available from Garton at 573-882-0089 or from high school counselors.

Last Updated on August 09th 2017 by Dee Loflin

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