The Puxico High School featured their seniors at a recent basketball game in the Arnold Ryan Gym.

The Puxico High School featured their seniors at a recent basketball game in the Arnold Ryan Gym.
She has been a vital part of the Marching Band and Concerts here at Puxico as well as a leader and role model in the Pep Band.

The Puxico High School featured their seniors at a recent basketball game in the Arnold Ryan Gym.
Austin Anderson is escorted by Stephanie Day and Emma Oliver. He has participated in Pep Band for tow years and play clarinet.
He has been a vital part of the Marching Band and Concerts here at Puxico as well as a leader and rol models in the Pep Band.
His future plans are to attend Southeast Missouri State University - Cape Girardeau and major in Psychology or Computer Programming.
Austin would like to say thank you to his section and his friends, who made this year fun! He will miss all of their hangouts, like with the Rock!
His words of wisdom are, "Don't skip new opportunities, but don't be stupid ..... and do't be weird!

The Puxico High School featured their seniors at a recent basketball game in the Arnold Ryan Gym.

The Puxico High School featured their seniors at a recent basketball game in the Arnold Ryan Gym.