Superintendent Report From Amy James, February 15, 2022
February 2022
Current Enrollment: 2043
District ADA: 95.56% YTD
As of Friday, our numbers were as follows:
Students quarantined-6
Students positive for Covid-4
Staff quarantined-0
Staff positive for Covid-1
Percentage impacted by Covid: 0.46%
Since our peak in mid-January, our numbers have been decreasing. We are continuing to implement our mitigating measures and continue to monitor the health of our students and staff.
January Financial Payments:
Basic Formula:
The payment this month was based on the current data for FY 21-22, 20-21, and 19-20 WADA. January’s payment was: $631,404.56 ($400,660.00-went for debt service payments)
Classroom Trust Fund:
Payment was calculated using the higher of FY 2020-21 or FY 2019-20 ADA. Our payment was: $72,346.01
Proposition C:
Payment was calculated using the higher of FY 2020-21 or FY 2019-20 ADA. Our January payment was: $42,779.82
The January payment was based on 2020-2021 transportation data and the fiscal year 20-21 transportation appropriation. The payment was $13,225.00
The Annual Chamber of Commerce awards banquet is scheduled for Friday, March 4th. Mrs. Brenda Mason was selected as the Educator of the Year.
CSIP Process-I am meeting with Dr. Welker on 2/16 & 2/28 to put the process on a timeline. Possible committee members have been identified and emailed.
The district has utilized 3 AMI days due to weather and 1.5 snow days. One snow day was made up on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
I’d like to highlight and recognize our maintenance staff this month. We currently employ 4 full-time and 1 part-time maintenance staff. On a daily basis, we have multiple maintenance requests made. These gentlemen work tirelessly regardless of the weather to keep our buildings safe, in good condition, and visibly appealing. Their jobs are difficult and at times they are underappreciated for their roles. I thank each one for their valuable service and dedication to the school.

Dexter, MO - Attention parents!!!! Dexter High School will host an ACT prep class on Wednesday, March 30, 2022.
To take this prep class, you must be signed up to take the April or June ACT test.
"We Teach Solutions" will be offering the course for the cost of $20 (This course typically costs $95.00).
There are 30 seats available and they are offered on a first-come-first-serve basis.
Registration forms for the class are available in the pocket organizer between the counselor's offices and in Google Classroom.
If you want to take the course, please bring your form and payment to Mrs. Stone's office. Checks can be made payable to DHS.

Dexter, MO - Dexter High School students have been accepted into the Southeast Missouri State University Student Art Exhibition.
"We are super proud of them," commented Stephanie Monroe, DHS art teacher.
The awarded ceremony will be Sunday, February 13, 2022. Their beautiful pieces can be viewed at the River Campus Museum.
The following students have be accepted into the Southeast Missouri State University Student Art Exhibition
-Rachel Lin- Mixed Media
-Emily Drews-Graphic Design
-Abigale Thompson-Graphic Design
-Kayleigh Bridges-Digital Art
-Caladan Parker, Abigale Thompson, Kayleigh Bridges, Emily Drews and Hannah Summer motion animation in Digital Art

Dexter T.S. Hill Middle School - This listing of T.S. Hill Middle School activities is a service offered by the ShowMe Times, Scott Kruse, T.S. Hill Middle School Principal and the Dexter Public Schools for your convenience.
We hope you will mark your calendar and we encourage everyone to support our local students and their activities. The education and growth of young people in our community is the key to everyone's future!
If you would like to submit information and a picture of a student and his/her accomplishments, send it to dloflin@showmetimes.com or call (573) 380-3318.
Thursday Feb 10 Winter Dance 6-8PM
Sunday Feb 13 Drama Dress Rehearsal-2-5PM
Monday Feb 14 8th Grade Tour of PB Technical School Bus 8:15AM
Tuesday Feb 15 Drama Presentation for SW/Central
Thursday Feb 17 Drama Presentation for MS
Drama Presentation for public 6PM HS Auditorium
Monday Feb 21 NO School
Tuesday Feb 22 PD Day - NO Students
Thursday Feb 24 Choir Concert - MS 6:00PM
Monday Feb 28 VBall vs. Bernie 5:30 1st Game of the Season at HOME

Dexter, MO - Southwest Elementary will begin taking Preschool screening appointments for the 2022-2023 school year from February 1st to February 19th.
This screening will be held on Friday, February 25, 2022 from 8:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. in the Bearcat Event Center.
All incoming Preschoolers must attend this very important screening!!!
Children must be 4 years of age before August 1, 2022 to be eligible to attend the upcoming 22-23 school year.
Please call the southwest Office at (573) 614-1015 ext 1201 to schedule this very important appointment.
The following mandatory documentation must be provided at the time of screening in order for your child to be enrolled:
Birth Certificate
Shot Record (does not have to be up-to-date)
Proof of residency - The proof of residency MUST be a financial obligation to the address for example a utility bill, water bill, tax statement, or mortgage statement, etc.