Local Schools

Dexter R-XI Schools Superintendent's Report
February 23rd 2022 by Dee Loflin
Dexter R-XI Schools Superintendent's Report

Superintendent Report From Amy James, February 15, 2022

February 2022

Current Enrollment: 2043

District ADA: 95.56% YTD


As of Friday, our numbers were as follows: 

Students quarantined-6

Students positive for Covid-4

Staff quarantined-0

Staff positive for Covid-1

Percentage impacted by Covid: 0.46%

Since our peak in mid-January, our numbers have been decreasing.  We are continuing to implement our mitigating measures and continue to monitor the health of our students and staff.  

January Financial Payments: 

Basic Formula:

The payment this month was based on the current data for FY 21-22, 20-21, and 19-20 WADA.  January’s payment was: $631,404.56  ($400,660.00-went for debt service payments)  

Classroom Trust Fund:

Payment was calculated using the higher of FY 2020-21 or FY 2019-20 ADA.   Our payment was:  $72,346.01

Proposition C: 

Payment was calculated using the higher of FY 2020-21 or FY 2019-20 ADA.    Our January payment was: $42,779.82


The January payment was based on 2020-2021 transportation data and the fiscal year 20-21 transportation appropriation.  The payment was $13,225.00


The Annual Chamber of Commerce awards banquet is scheduled for Friday, March 4th.  Mrs. Brenda Mason was selected as the Educator of the Year.  

CSIP Process-I am meeting with Dr. Welker on 2/16 & 2/28 to put the process on a timeline. Possible committee members have been identified and emailed.   

The district has utilized 3 AMI days due to weather and 1.5 snow days.  One snow day was made up on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.  


I’d like to highlight and recognize our maintenance staff this month.   We currently employ 4 full-time and 1 part-time maintenance staff.   On a daily basis, we have multiple maintenance requests made.  These gentlemen work tirelessly regardless of the weather to keep our buildings safe, in good condition, and visibly appealing.  Their jobs are difficult and at times they are underappreciated for their roles.  I thank each one for their valuable service and dedication to the school.   

Last Updated on February 23rd 2022 by Dee Loflin

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