Dexter, Missouri - Southwest Elementary honored Bryson Hill with a Positive Office Referral certificate. He is in the first grade at Dexter.
This award was presented to students who consistently showed the 3R's RESPECTFUL, RESPONSIBLE, and READY TO LEARN.
Each student received a certificate and a FREE Taco from Taco Bell.
Pictured is Bryson Hill.

Poplar Bluff, MO - Four Poplar Bluff High School choral students have been selected for the All-State Choir, one of whom has further qualified to compete statewide in the Sight-Singing Bee.
Bralin Duckett, a tenor, and soprano Emma Harris will perform with the choir in January during the Missouri Music Educators Association conference at Osage Beach, while Christian Redding, a tenor, and alto Emma Tinsley will serve as alternates.
In addition, Emma Harris achieved one of the highest sight-singing scores in the state, allowing her to vie in the Missouri Choral Directors Association-sponsored Sight-Singing Bee at the same event.
Out of nine PBHS juniors and seniors who tried out for All-State, nearly half advanced during the All-District Choir rehearsal in November in Cape Girardeau. Emma Harris went on to display her “high level of musicianship” and “well-developed ear” in a subsequent sight-singing audition, according to Joshua Allen, director of vocal music.
"Sight-singing is reading and singing a musical passage at first sight," Allen explained. "Students have 20 seconds to prepare from the time they first see the piece."
Pictured: PBHS Choir students (left to right) Bralin Duckett, Emma Harris, Emma Tinsley and Christian Redding were selected for the All-State Choir during a recent audition at Cape Central High School.
Article and photo by Tim Krakowiak, Communications/Marketing Director, Poplar Bluff R-I School District

Bloomfield R-XIV School District - This listing of weekly activities is a service offered by the ShowMe Times, working in partnership with Bloomfield School Superintendent Toni Hill.
We hope you will mark your calendar and we encourage everyone to support our local students and their activities. The education and growth of young people in our community is the key to everyone's future! If you would like to submit information and a picture of a student and his/her accomplishments, send it to dloflin@showmetimes.com
HS Girls Basketball @ Chaffee Tournament - Dec 4 to Dec 9 - ALL DAY
Elementary Christmas Program - Dec 6 from 6:00 PM
Jr. Beta Convention @ Springfield - Dec 7 to Dec 9 - ALL DAY
HS Boys Basketball @ Gideon - Tuesday, Dec 7 from 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM
Sr Beta Convention - Springfield - Dec 9 to Dec 12 - ALL DAY
JV Boys Basketball Tournament @ Advance - Dec 13 to Dec 16 - ALL DAY

Dexter, MO - It's the most wonderful time of the year! Central Elementary will participate in their annual holiday dress-up days Monday, December 6th - Friday, December 10th.
Monday, Dec 6th - Candy Cane Day - Wear Red and White
Tuesday, Dec 7th - I'll be Fit for Christmas - Wear Your Workout Clothes
Wednesday, December 8th - Oh Christmas Tree - Wear Green
Thursday, December 9th - Wear Bright Colors Day
Friday, December 10th - Bearcat Christmas - Wear a Bearcat Shirt

Dexter T.S. Hill Middle School - This listing of T.S. Hill Middle School activities is a service offered by the ShowMe Times, working in partnership with Scott Kruse, Middle School Principal and the Dexter Public Schools for your convenience.
We hope you will mark your calendar and we encourage everyone to support our local students and their activities. The education and growth of young people in our community is the key to everyone's future!
If you would like to submit information and a picture of a student and his/her accomplishments, send it to dloflin@showmetimes.com or call (573) 380-3318.
Monday Dec 6 Stuff a Bus Food Drive Begins - 8th Hour competition
Tuesday Dec 7 Talent Search
Wrestling @ HOME 5:00
BB vs. Sikeston 5:30
Thursday Dec 9 Choir Concert 6:00 MS Gym
Friday Dec 10 8th Grade Choir to Sing in Cape 9:00
Saturday Dec 11 Wrestling @ Jackson 9:00/7:15
Wednesday Dec 15 Stuff A Bus Food Drive Ends
Thursday Dec 16 Band Concert 6:00 MS Gym
Staff Ugly Sweater Day
Cafeteria Worker and Crossing Guards lunch out
Friday Dec 17 Door Decorating Competition-TBA