Dexter, MO - The Dexter School Board met in a regular meeting on July 20, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. Below are the minutes from that meeting made available by Superintendent Amy James.
Call to Order/Roll Call/Pledge: The Board President announced the meeting is to begin, ascertains the attendance status of all board members. Board member; Mr. Jon Thompson and administrator, Mr. Gavin Miller were absent. The Board President leads in the saying of the Pledge of Allegiance.
Consent Agenda: The consent agenda was approved.
Public Comments: There were no public comments made. The individual registered to speak was unable to attend.
Old Business:
A. There was no old business to discuss.
New Business:
A. The board approved 2021-2022 budget amendments for July. The amendments included expenditures and revenues for a PAT Federal HUB grant.
B. The board approved the re-adoption of Policy and Regulation 0342- Nepotism, Conflict of Interest, and Financial Disclosure. This is a requirement every two years from the Missouri Ethics Commission.
Discussion Items:
The following items were discussed with the board:
A. The end of year transportation summary. This summary included information regarding bus drivers, our bus fleet, miles traveled, and our ridership.
B. The Special Education Determination Category. Annually, DESE makes a determination of each local education agency. This is a federal requirement and is not related to the compliance monitoring. The district received a rating of 4-which indicated the district meets the requirements and purposes of the IDEA.
C. Next Regular Board Meeting is August 24, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. The tax rate hearing will begin at 5:50 p.m.
In Closed Session:
1. The board approved the hiring of the following substitute teachers for the 21-22 school year:
Debra Riggle
Brian Becker
Kelly Flowers
Paula Jarrell
See attached List for the remaining approved
2. The board approved hiring of the following individuals for the 21-22 school year pending favorable background checks and appropriate certification:
Madison Adams, Special Services Paraprofessional at SW.
Jessica Watson, Special Services Paraprofessional at Central.
Micah Smiley, Bus Driver.
4. A COVID-19 update was shared with the board.
5. The remaining open positions for the 21-22 school year were reviewed with the board.
Items at the conclusion of Executive Session
A. None at this time.

The Board of Education met in regular session last evening on Monday the 12th of July.
The Tax Rate Hearing was set for 6:45 p.m. on August 9, 2021. Program evaluations on Board Policy and Strategic Planning were approved.
The Board approved re-appointing Tom Mickes as the school legal counsel.
The board approved re-adopting Policy 0342 and approved changes made to Policy 2670.
The board approved the Athletic Handbook as presented and approved changes made to the Staff Handbook.
The board approved purchasing furniture for the Elementary Principal Office and the Superintendent Office and also approved the Tuck Pointing and Sealing of the Annex Gym.
The board approved the financial statement and approved paying bills and replenishing petty cash.
During Executive session:
The Board approved hiring Cheryl Tischer as an Elementary Custodian.

A new scholarship has been endowed with the Three Rivers Endowment Trust.
Keith and Kathy Bess Holloway of Cape Girardeau created the Almeda Holloway Memorial Scholarship in memory of Keith Holloway’s mother. Holloway was a board member of the Endowment Trust from 2011-2021.
“My mother was instrumental in the formation and establishment of Three Rivers College beginning in 1964 when the college was just a dream,” Holloway said. Both of his parents were involved in promoting the vote for the college, which became a reality on April 5, 1966, that established the four-county Three Rivers Junior College District.
Proceeds from the scholarship will be used to award an ambassador scholarship to a female student annually. TRC ambassadors are selected through an interview process and based on leadership, service, character, and academic achievement. They perform service hours each semester.
Raised in Sedalia, Almeda Holloway graduated from Smith Cotton High School in 1947. The following year, she met and married James A. “Bud” Holloway and moved to Poplar Bluff, where they founded Holloway Real Estate and Insurance Company. She managed the business and was a licensed insurance and real estate broker.
“She was a pioneer as a working mother and business owner and raised four children,” said Keith Holloway. His siblings are Bruce, Gary, and Donna. “She was also active in the AMVETS Auxiliary, youth sports, and PTA. An avid bowler for many years, Almeda was well known for driving youth athletes to games and cheering them on.”
After the insurance company sold in 1972, Holloway moved to Indiana, where she was also active as a real estate and insurance broker. She later returned to Poplar Bluff and died in 1990.
“We are honored that Keith and Kathy are honoring Mrs. Holloway through this endowed scholarship,” said Michelle Reynolds, director of development at Three Rivers College. “This will continue to impact students in Southeast Missouri for perpetuity.”
Three Rivers College is committed to contributing to the quality of life in Southeast Missouri with quality, affordable higher education opportunities and community services that support and encourage the economic, civic, and cultural vitality of the region. For more information about college and workforce programs and upcoming events, visit trcc.edu.
Pictured: Keith Holloway presents a check to the Three Rivers Endowment Trust (TRET) Board for the creation of the Almeda Holloway Memorial Scholarship, in memory of Holloway’s mother. Pictured are, from left; TRET Board members Marty Michel, Matt Funke, and Allen Brooks; Michelle Reynolds, Director of Development at Three Rivers College; Christy Frazier-Moore, TRET Chair; Holloway; Debbie Solomon, TRET Board member; Dr. Wesley Payne, President of Three Rivers College; and Riley Bock, TRET Board member.

Dexter, MO - The Dexter School Board met in a regular board meeting on June 28, 2021. Below are the notes made available by Superintendent Amy James.
Regular Board Meeting Notes, June 29, 2021
Call to Order/Roll Call/Pledge: The Board President announced the meeting is to begin, ascertains the attendance status of all board members. One board member; Mr. Aaron Mathis, was absent at the start of the meeting but arrived shortly after the meeting started. The Board President leads in the saying of the Pledge of Allegiance.
Consent Agenda: The consent agenda was approved.
Public Comments: There were no public comments made.
Old Business:
A. There was no old business to discuss.
New Business:
A.-D. The board approved the 2021-2022 building handbooks.
E. The board approved the 2021-2022 contract with SE Health for the athletic trainer.
F. The board approved a general fund transfer to zero out the special fund balance. This is a requirement of DESE.
G. The board approved the tentative 2021-2022 budget.
H. The board approved the meal prices and out of district tuition for 2021-2022. The meal prices are increasing $.10
Grades Pk-5 Breakfast-$1.35 Lunch-$2.05
Grades 6-12 Breakfast-$1.50 Lunch-$2.10
Adult Meals Breakfast-$2.00 Lunch-$2.55
The tuition rate did not increase. Out of District Tuition Rate-$7,900.00
I. The board approved the 2021-2022 personnel handbook.
J. The board approved All Star Pest Management for pest control services for 3 years with the option to increase to 5 years, if all parties are in agreement.
K. The board approved budget amendments for fund 2 & 4.
Discussion Items: The following items were discussed with the board:
A. COVID-19 Continuity Services Plan Fall 2021 - located on the website.
B. Building Attendance and Discipline Reports
C. Next Regular Board Meeting is July 20, 2021.
In Closed Session:
1. The board approved hiring of the following individuals for the 21-22 school year pending favorable background checks and appropriate certification:
Leta Underhile, Special Services Paraprofessional in ECSE.
Salvadora Botsch, Special Services Paraprofessional at Central.
Jamie Rowe, Assistant HS and MS Girls Basketball Coach.
Christina Jenkins, Assistant Softball Coach.
Deffrey Stoker, HS Library Aide.
Lauren Baugh, Parent Educator.
Brenton Shipman, HS ELA Teacher.
Jacob Stearns, Maintenance Personnel.
Kara Wilson, Title Paraprofessional at Central.
Shanna Green, Special Services Paraprofessional at Central.
2. The board approved letters of resignation or retirement from the following individuals:
Kacey Christian, MS Volleyball Coach-effective at the conclusion of the 20-21 school year.
Heather Tice, Paraprofessional at Southwest Elementary-Effective immediately.
Christina Smith, Paraprofessional, unable to fill the position.
3. The board approved the following termination effective 6/29/21 due to an exhaustion of FMLA leave: Jennifer Hankins
The board approved dissolving her medical premiums and deductions.
4. The board discussed an administrative team building and goal setting retreat.
5. The board discussed the MSBA Natural Gas Consortium bill.
Items at the conclusion of Executive Session
A. None at this time.

Puxico, MO - The faculty at Puxico Schools are looking forward to meeting their students and their families at the annual Back-To-Schoool Night that will take place on Monday, August 23rd.
This event is planned to welcome students in all grade levels back to the new academic year.
The Back-to-School Night will kick-off at 5:30 p.m. and end around 7:30 p.m.
The first day of school will be Wednesday, August 25, 2021. Breakfast will be available free to all students beginning at 7:30 a.m. Classes begin at 8:00 a.m.
Please communicate with your child's teacher about any changes in transportation for the ride home.
Leave early and allow extra time for bus traffic and student walkers.
Please be aware of all district signage and directions for parent drop off and pick up.
Parents should avoid driving on the roadway between the elementary and junior high building as well as the roadway between the high school and the cafeteria.
They would also ask that you avoid the top parking lot in front of the high school.
Students transition between those buildings at that location.