A new scholarship has been endowed with the Three Rivers Endowment Trust.
Keith and Kathy Bess Holloway of Cape Girardeau created the Almeda Holloway Memorial Scholarship in memory of Keith Holloway’s mother. Holloway was a board member of the Endowment Trust from 2011-2021.
“My mother was instrumental in the formation and establishment of Three Rivers College beginning in 1964 when the college was just a dream,” Holloway said. Both of his parents were involved in promoting the vote for the college, which became a reality on April 5, 1966, that established the four-county Three Rivers Junior College District.
Proceeds from the scholarship will be used to award an ambassador scholarship to a female student annually. TRC ambassadors are selected through an interview process and based on leadership, service, character, and academic achievement. They perform service hours each semester.
Raised in Sedalia, Almeda Holloway graduated from Smith Cotton High School in 1947. The following year, she met and married James A. “Bud” Holloway and moved to Poplar Bluff, where they founded Holloway Real Estate and Insurance Company. She managed the business and was a licensed insurance and real estate broker.
“She was a pioneer as a working mother and business owner and raised four children,” said Keith Holloway. His siblings are Bruce, Gary, and Donna. “She was also active in the AMVETS Auxiliary, youth sports, and PTA. An avid bowler for many years, Almeda was well known for driving youth athletes to games and cheering them on.”
After the insurance company sold in 1972, Holloway moved to Indiana, where she was also active as a real estate and insurance broker. She later returned to Poplar Bluff and died in 1990.
“We are honored that Keith and Kathy are honoring Mrs. Holloway through this endowed scholarship,” said Michelle Reynolds, director of development at Three Rivers College. “This will continue to impact students in Southeast Missouri for perpetuity.”
Three Rivers College is committed to contributing to the quality of life in Southeast Missouri with quality, affordable higher education opportunities and community services that support and encourage the economic, civic, and cultural vitality of the region. For more information about college and workforce programs and upcoming events, visit trcc.edu.
Pictured: Keith Holloway presents a check to the Three Rivers Endowment Trust (TRET) Board for the creation of the Almeda Holloway Memorial Scholarship, in memory of Holloway’s mother. Pictured are, from left; TRET Board members Marty Michel, Matt Funke, and Allen Brooks; Michelle Reynolds, Director of Development at Three Rivers College; Christy Frazier-Moore, TRET Chair; Holloway; Debbie Solomon, TRET Board member; Dr. Wesley Payne, President of Three Rivers College; and Riley Bock, TRET Board member.