Local Schools

Students Participate in Musical Theatre Camp: Group 3
June 11th 2018 by Dee Loflin
Students Participate in Musical Theatre Camp: Group 3
Dexter, Missouri - Dexter High School choir department sponsored a Musical Theatre Camp this past week.  

The students were able to learn songs and scenes from the Sound of Music. 

The campers were assigned parts and each student had a role to play.  There were four different groups who participated in the Musical Theatre Camp! 

"I'm so proud of these students.  I gave them a hard assignment of memorizing two scenes from the Sound of Music and they had to memorize four songs," commented Jamie Sepulvado, Dexter Schools Choral Director. "They were incredible at their performance.  Many students came back the second day with their parts memorized.  They worked really hard.  It was fun to work with the future of my High School musicals." 

Camp counselors were Makayla Pyle, Kyla Propst, Zach Cartwright and Logan Wyman.  

Corbin Malloy, Emma Sadler, Aundrea Hernandez, Libby Mangum, Mikaela Williamson, Bronsen Menley, Emma Worley, Jensen Blackwell, and Lydia Christian.

Last Updated on June 11th 2018 by Dee Loflin

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