Local Schools
Several Receive Stoddard County Development Foundation Scholarships
June 16th 2018 by Dee Loflin

Three Rivers College students from Stoddard County have received scholarships from the Stoddard County Development Foundation. The recipients were honored at the college’s “Fulfilling Dreams” reception for students awarded Three Rivers College and Three Rivers Endowment Trust scholarships. Recipients are listed below by hometown.
Advance: Jordan Clark
Bernie: Christina Dowdy
Dexter: Ramona Baker, Haley Cornett, Angela Freeman
Essex: Lane Brown
Puxico: Mariah Fowler
Risco: Miranda Wake
The Stoddard County Development Foundation scholarship is administered by the Three Rivers Endowment Trust. To learn more about investing in Three Rivers College students through scholarships, contact Director of Development Michelle Reynolds at 573-840-9077 or michellereynolds@trcc.edu.
Pictured is Christina Dowdy, one of several Three Rivers College students who received scholarships from the Stoddard County Development Foundation, was recognized at a “Fulfilling Dreams” reception held in the Tinnin Fine Arts Center.
From L-R: Allen Brooks, Three Rivers Endowment Trust Board Member; Mark Stidham, Three Rivers Endowment Trust Board Member; Christina Dowdy, scholarship recipient; Dr. Wesley Payne, President of Three Rivers College; and Eric Schalk, Chair of the Three Rivers College Board of Trustees. Not shown: Ramona Baker, Lane Brown, Jordan Clark, Haley Cornett, Mariah Fowler, Angela Freeman, and Miranda Wake.
Last Updated on June 16th 2018 by Dee Loflin
TCC Students Place in SkillsUSA Branding Contest
June 16th 2018 by Dee Loflin

Computer graphics students at the Poplar Bluff Technical Career Center won second and third place respectively in the 2018 brand design contest at the state fall leadership contest of SkillsUSA Missouri held recently in Jefferson City.
Jeramiah Gracia won second place and Rayni Seesengood placed third out of more than 70 entries. Themed ‘job-ready day one,’ the contest included a T-shirt, banner and trading pin component, and a cohesive design among the mediums.
“It’s indicative of the level of skills students are capable of in this program – graphic design,” commented Charles Kinsey, TCC director. “[SkillsUSA] is an important organization because it allows the students to express themselves and compete, while the industry tunes in.”
The students, both seniors, qualify to compete in the district contest in February and the statewide competition in April.
The computer graphics program, under the instruction of Regina Gossett, has produced employees in multiple area print shops over the years including 4M Sign Service & Design, Southeast Signs & Graphics, and Stinson Press.
“Our goal is to prepare students to go into the workforce,” said Gossett, “so we align [the program] with what they are doing in their shops.”
Pictured: Jeramiah Gracia and Rayni Seesengood take two of three top spots in an area branding competition.
Photo and article submitted by Tim Krakowiak, Communications/Marketing Director, Poplar Bluff R-I School District
Last Updated on June 16th 2018 by Dee Loflin
Bernie School Board Meeting Minutes for June 2018
June 16th 2018 by Dee Loflin

The Bernie School Board of Education held its regular June meeting on June 11th.
A light agenda included acceptance of a Financial Institution Bid from Sterling Bank of Bernie for the next school year and approval of program evaluations on Federal Programs and Fiscal Management.
While addressing finances the Board approved transfer of funds from the General Fund to the Capital Projects fund as allowed for transportation and the Guaranteed Tax Base transfer, approved the final 2017/2018 Budget Amendment and adopted the 2018/2019 Bernie School Budget.
The financial statement and payment of bills was approved.
During the Executive Session, the Board accepted Haley Baker’s resignation as the 4th Grade Teacher, hired Kelsie Friese as the Kindergarten Teacher, hired Sara Nash as an Elementary Para Professional and hired Tate Midkiff as the 4th Grade Teacher.
Last Updated on June 16th 2018 by Dee Loflin
Students Participate in Musical Theatre Camp: Group 4
June 14th 2018 by Dee Loflin

Dexter, Missouri - Dexter High School choir department sponsored a Musical Theatre Camp this past week.
The students were able to learn songs and scenes from the Sound of Music.
The campers were assigned parts and each student had a role to play. There were four different groups who participated in the Musical Theatre Camp!
"I'm so proud of these students. I gave them a hard assignment of memorizing two scenes from the Sound of Music and they had to memorize four songs," commented Jamie Sepulvado, Dexter Schools Choral Director. "They were incredible at their performance. Many students came back the second day with their parts memorized. They worked really hard. It was fun to work with the future of my High School musicals."
Camp counselors were Makayla Pyle, Kyla Propst, Zach Cartwright and Logan Wyman.
Pictured from left to right is Mauriona Menley, Tayton Williams, Jiles Monroe, Melanie Pfeffer, Aslyn Lemons, Fatima Gonzalez, Karleigh Musgrave, Mila Clark and Miles Schmid.
Photo by Jamie Sepulvado, Choral Director.
Last Updated on June 14th 2018 by Dee Loflin
Dexter Public Schools Special Board Meeting Press Release
June 13th 2018 by Dee Loflin

Dexter, Missouri - A Special Board Meeting was held on June 4, 2018 at Dexter Schools. Below is the Press Release from C.A. Counts, Superintendent.
1,2,3 Call to Order/Roll Call/Pledge The Board President announced the meeting is to begin, ascertains the attendance status of all board members with all present. He then leads in saying of the Pledge of Allegiance.
4. In Executive Session:
The board voted to accept resignation letters - Jessy Kohm
The board voted to employ MS Math Teacher for the 2018-19 school year - Angela Alford
The board voted to employ Network Administrator effective immediately - Brandon March
The board voted to transfer Nicole Guethle to 6th Grade Math at MS.
The board voted to employ paraprofessionals for the 2018-19 school year.
Cara Harlein
Samantha Henson
Victoria Sayre
Jennifer Hankins
Celia Keene
The board voted to employ 2nd grade teacher for the 2018-19 school year - Macey Cooper
5. Items to be considered after conclusion of Executive Session - The board approve Shelton’s Business bid for WiFi at Southwest Elementary.
6. Motion to Adjourn Meeting
Last Updated on June 13th 2018 by Dee Loflin