Local Schools

T.S.Hill Middle School Participating in Homecoming Spirit Week
September 17th 2017 by Dee Loflin
T.S.Hill Middle School Participating in Homecoming Spirit Week

Dexter, Missouri - T.S. Hill Middle School will participate in the Homecoming Spirit Week having dress-up days Monday - Friday.

On Monday it's PJ Day - wear your favorite pajamas.

On Tuesday it's USA Day - wear red, white, and blue.

On Wednesday it's Camo Day - wear your favorite pink or green camo.

On Thursday it's Hawaiian Day - wear your loudest Hawaiian shirt, or grass skirt.

On Friday it's Red and Black Day - wear your favorite Bearcats shirt, red and black.

Take photos of your children prior to school and send to news@showmetimes.com and your child may get spotlighted on the ShowMe Times.  Remember to put their name and grade in the comments.  You can also send a private message on Facebook to the ShowMe Times page.  Let's fire up Bearcats!!  Great week and don't forget the Community Bearcat Tailgate on Friday from 4:30 - 7:00 p.m.  FREE food, drink, fun and give-aways from local businesses plus entertainment!

Last Updated on September 17th 2017 by Dee Loflin

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