Dexter, Missouri - T.S. Hill Middle School will participate in the Homecoming Spirit Week having dress-up days Monday - Friday.
On Monday it's PJ Day - wear your favorite pajamas.
On Tuesday it's USA Day - wear red, white, and blue.
On Wednesday it's Camo Day - wear your favorite pink or green camo.
On Thursday it's Hawaiian Day - wear your loudest Hawaiian shirt, or grass skirt.
On Friday it's Red and Black Day - wear your favorite Bearcats shirt, red and black.
Take photos of your children prior to school and send to and your child may get spotlighted on the ShowMe Times. Remember to put their name and grade in the comments. You can also send a private message on Facebook to the ShowMe Times page. Let's fire up Bearcats!! Great week and don't forget the Community Bearcat Tailgate on Friday from 4:30 - 7:00 p.m. FREE food, drink, fun and give-aways from local businesses plus entertainment!