Local Schools

Grace Hudson Earns Wolpers Scholarship
July 19th 2016 by Dee Loflin
Grace Hudson Earns Wolpers Scholarship

Poplar Bluff, Missouri - Poplar Bluff High School senior Grace Hudson has been awarded the $1,300 Mary Lynn Wolpers Scholarship to pursue a global business degree with a concentration in social entrepreneurship. She has applied to the Stern School of Business at New York University.

Hudson has taken advanced courses throughout her entire high school career and has participated in the dual credit program through Three Rivers College.

A total of $12,000 has been awarded through the Wolpers Scholarship since its inception in 2007.

Shown in the photo: Poplar Bluff Public School Foundation vice president Emily Hogg presents Grace Hudson with the Wolpers Scholarship last week at Senior High.

Article and photo submitted by Tim Krakowiak, Communications/Marketing Coordinator, Poplar Bluff R-I School District

Last Updated on July 19th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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Dexter School Registration Day - August 2nd
July 18th 2016 by Dee Loflin
Dexter School Registration Day - August 2nd

Dexter, Missouri - Dexter Public School students will head back to school on Thursday, August 11th with a full day of classes with the Kindergarten Class starting on Friday, August 12th.  Back-to-School Registration Day will be held on Tuesday, August 2, 2016 from 9:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. at the Bearcat Event Center.

Registration packets were mailed last week to current students.  If you do not receive a packet in the mail by Thursday, July 21st please contact Carla or Janet at (573) 614-1000.

Parents and/or guardians are asked to update the information prior to attending Registration Day.  Included are transportation information (bus information sheet), lunch applications, photo packet information, and medical information that will be kept confidential.

Are there new BEARCATS out there? New families will enroll on August 2nd as well.  Please bring proof of residency, birth certificates, and immunization records.  If you do not have these items available please stop in and speak with the staff to get the enrollment process started.

Student photos will also be taken on Registration Day; however you do not have to purchase portrait packages on that day.  Don’t worry if your photo isn’t perfect a picture re-take day will be later in the school year.

There will be plenty of Dexter School staff available to help with meal applications, scheduling, bus transportation, sports information, calendar of events, and health records.

Last Updated on July 18th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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Three Rivers Endowment Trust Elects New Chairman
July 13th 2016 by Dee Loflin
Three Rivers Endowment Trust Elects New Chairman

Poplar Bluff, Missouri - The Three Rivers Endowment Trust has elected its new chairman for the coming year.

Dr. Marty Michel, a pharmacist, was elected as the new chairman at the annual meeting held in June. His term began on July 1. Michel and his wife, Julita, own and operate Key Drugs in Poplar Bluff and Dexter.

“This is an exciting time for the Three Rivers Endowment Trust,” said Michel. “With the culmination of a successful major gifts campaign, it’s rewarding to see the completion of the Three Rivers - Sikeston building, the completion of the new classroom building on the Poplar Bluff campus, and the start of the construction of the Libla Family Sports Complex and work to pursue other initiatives to support Three Rivers College.”

Michel graduated from the University of Mississippi Pharmacy School with honors.  He continued his education with William Woods University and received a Master’s in Business Administration. Michel has served on many local, state, and national boards, including Missouri Board of Pharmacy, Missouri Pharmacy Association, Butler County Health Department Board of Trustees, and Ozark Foothills Healthcare Consortium.  He received the Citizen of the Year award presented by the Poplar Bluff Police Department in 1994.  Currently he is an Adjunct Clinical Instructor in Pharmacy Practice with St. Louis College of Pharmacy, University of Missouri Kansas City School of Pharmacy, and The University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy.

“I’m looking forward to working with Marty as our Chairman,” said Michelle Reynolds, executive director of the Endowment Trust and Director of Development at Three Rivers College. “He has served a vital role since the inception of the organization, and I’m confident the Trust will continue to thrive under his leadership.”

The Three Rivers Endowment Trust formed in 2010 as a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, designated by Three Rivers College to receive and manage gifts on behalf of the College. It acts as a trustee for donations to assure that gifts are distributed in the manner specified by the donor.

Natalie Riley, an attorney at the Holden Law Office in Dexter, preceded Michel as chairman. Other officers for the upcoming year are secretary Regina Griffin of Doniphan and Keith Holloway of Cape Girardeau as treasurer.

Also at the June meeting, terms were renewed for members H. Riley Bock of New Madrid, as well as Poplar Bluff residents Michel, Allen Brooks, Doug Libla, and Chris Williams.

In addition to accepting annual gifts, pledges, and planned gifts, the Three Rivers Endowment Trust is involved in several activities, including a Trivia Night, Day at the Ballpark with the St. Louis Cardinals, annual golf tournament, benefit run, and other activities. It awards thousands of dollars in scholarships annually.

For more information, check www.trcc.edu regularly for event updates. The Three Rivers Endowment Trust can be reached by calling 573-840-9077.


Last Updated on July 13th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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Mara Mayo Receives National FFA Scholarship
July 07th 2016 by Dee Loflin
Mara Mayo Receives National FFA Scholarship

Indianapolis, IN - The National FFA Organization awarded a $5,000 Georgia M. Hellberg Memorial Scholarship to Mara Mayo of Bloomfield, Missouri.  Georgia M. Hellberg Memorial Fund as a special project of the National FFA Foundation sponsors the Scholarship.

Mayo plans to use the funds to pursue a degree at Missouri University of Science and Technology.

She is the daughter of Ryan and Heather May.

Her plans are to attend the Missouri University of Science and Technology at Rolla, Missouri where she plans to obtain a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Engineering.

This scholarship is one of 1,820 awarded through the National FFA Organization’s scholarship program this year.  Currently 116 sponsors contribute more than $2.6 million to support scholarships for students.

For 32 years, scholarships have been made available through funding secured by the National FFA Foundation.  This generous funding comes from individuals, businesses and corporate sponsors to encourage excellence and enable students to pursue their educational goals.

The 2016 scholarship recipients were selected from 8,383 applicants from across the country.  Selections were based on the applicant’s leadership, academic record, FFA and other school and community activities, supervised agricultural or work experience in agricultural education and future goals.

Last Updated on July 07th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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Dexter School Board Meeting Minutes for June 30, 2016
July 07th 2016 by Dee Loflin
Dexter School Board Meeting Minutes for June 30, 2016

Dexter, Missouri - The Dexter School Board met on June 30th for a brief meeting.  Below are the minutes of that meeting as presented by the Board of Education.

Call to Order/Roll Call/Pledge  The Board President announces the meeting is to begin, ascertains the attendance status of Board members, and leads in the saying of the Pledge of Allegiance.

Consent Agenda  The Consent Agenda was approved: the minutes of the Approve Minutes of May 17, 2016, Regular Board Meeting and May 31 and June 14 Special Board Meetings.

Public Comments - NONE

Old Business - The Board approved Policy GCBDA as presented.

New Business
A.  The Board approved the 2016 Technology plan as presented.

      The Board approved a 3-year technology plan in compliance with the Dept. of Elementary and Secondary Education.  The plan outlines goals and objectives to support existing technology and and a plan for the future.  Specific goals are to enhance instruction and improve academic achievement, integrate technology into the curriculum, develop and maintain high speed networks in the district and to continue to provide timely and effective staff training related to technology.

B.  The Board approved the district student handbooks for the 2016-17 school year.

C.  The Board approved the Student Worker Program –Transition Skills program as presented by Mrs. Amy James.

      A new Transition Skills Program developed for special education students at Dexter High School was introduced by program Director of Special Services Amy James.  Under this new program students will have an opportunity to be cafeteria assistants during fourth and fifth hours of the school day, earning two dollars an hour for their work.  they would be students in Lacy Bennett's Special Services program at Dexter High School.

D.  The board approved a $500k transfer from Fund 1 to Fund 4.

E.  The Board approved a tentative budget for 2016-17.

Discussion Items
A.  The 2015-16 Transportation reports were presented to the board.

      The Board also reviewed the 2016 annual school bus inspection results from the Department of Public Safety within the Missouri State Highway Patrol.  Dexter's approval rate was 80% after 25 buses were inspected.  None of Dexter's buses were designated to be out of service.  Twenty buses were approved and five were found to have basic defects which could mean a light bulb was out.  Those basic defects pose no danger to bus passengers and the items will be corrected.

B.   MSBA 2016 Policy updates were discussed and will be approved during the July meeting.

C.   The District Student Discipline Reports for the 2015-16 year were presented to the board.

D.   High school nurse Linda Milam provided a May report along with a summary for the year.

In Executive Session:

Accepted resignation from SW Elementary paraprofessional Daniel McCoy.

Accepted resignation from SW Elementary paraprofessional Kayla Hammons.

Accepted resignation from SW Elementary building aide Lisa Bien.

Approved employment for the 2016-17 school year.
Christin Stone HS Social Studies teacher.
Debra Stogsdill Central Elementary teacher.
Jerrica Clark Central Special Services teacher.

Approved adjustment of the Administration Salary Index for 2016-2019 as presented.

Last Updated on July 07th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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