Dexter, Missouri - The Dexter School Board met on June 30th for a brief meeting. Below are the minutes of that meeting as presented by the Board of Education.
Call to Order/Roll Call/Pledge The Board President announces the meeting is to begin, ascertains the attendance status of Board members, and leads in the saying of the Pledge of Allegiance.
Consent Agenda The Consent Agenda was approved: the minutes of the Approve Minutes of May 17, 2016, Regular Board Meeting and May 31 and June 14 Special Board Meetings.
Public Comments - NONE
Old Business - The Board approved Policy GCBDA as presented.
New Business
A. The Board approved the 2016 Technology plan as presented.
The Board approved a 3-year technology plan in compliance with the Dept. of Elementary and Secondary Education. The plan outlines goals and objectives to support existing technology and and a plan for the future. Specific goals are to enhance instruction and improve academic achievement, integrate technology into the curriculum, develop and maintain high speed networks in the district and to continue to provide timely and effective staff training related to technology.
B. The Board approved the district student handbooks for the 2016-17 school year.
C. The Board approved the Student Worker Program –Transition Skills program as presented by Mrs. Amy James.
A new Transition Skills Program developed for special education students at Dexter High School was introduced by program Director of Special Services Amy James. Under this new program students will have an opportunity to be cafeteria assistants during fourth and fifth hours of the school day, earning two dollars an hour for their work. they would be students in Lacy Bennett's Special Services program at Dexter High School.
D. The board approved a $500k transfer from Fund 1 to Fund 4.
E. The Board approved a tentative budget for 2016-17.
Discussion Items
A. The 2015-16 Transportation reports were presented to the board.
B. MSBA 2016 Policy updates were discussed and will be approved during the July meeting.
C. The District Student Discipline Reports for the 2015-16 year were presented to the board.
D. High school nurse Linda Milam provided a May report along with a summary for the year.
In Executive Session:
Accepted resignation from SW Elementary paraprofessional Daniel McCoy.
Accepted resignation from SW Elementary paraprofessional Kayla Hammons.
Accepted resignation from SW Elementary building aide Lisa Bien.
Approved employment for the 2016-17 school year.
Christin Stone HS Social Studies teacher.
Debra Stogsdill Central Elementary teacher.
Jerrica Clark Central Special Services teacher.
Approved adjustment of the Administration Salary Index for 2016-2019 as presented.