Local Schools

Mara Mayo Receives National FFA Scholarship
July 07th 2016 by Dee Loflin
Mara Mayo Receives National FFA Scholarship

Indianapolis, IN - The National FFA Organization awarded a $5,000 Georgia M. Hellberg Memorial Scholarship to Mara Mayo of Bloomfield, Missouri.  Georgia M. Hellberg Memorial Fund as a special project of the National FFA Foundation sponsors the Scholarship.

Mayo plans to use the funds to pursue a degree at Missouri University of Science and Technology.

She is the daughter of Ryan and Heather May.

Her plans are to attend the Missouri University of Science and Technology at Rolla, Missouri where she plans to obtain a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Engineering.

This scholarship is one of 1,820 awarded through the National FFA Organization’s scholarship program this year.  Currently 116 sponsors contribute more than $2.6 million to support scholarships for students.

For 32 years, scholarships have been made available through funding secured by the National FFA Foundation.  This generous funding comes from individuals, businesses and corporate sponsors to encourage excellence and enable students to pursue their educational goals.

The 2016 scholarship recipients were selected from 8,383 applicants from across the country.  Selections were based on the applicant’s leadership, academic record, FFA and other school and community activities, supervised agricultural or work experience in agricultural education and future goals.

Last Updated on July 07th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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Dexter School Board Meeting Minutes for June 30, 2016
July 07th 2016 by Dee Loflin
Dexter School Board Meeting Minutes for June 30, 2016

Dexter, Missouri - The Dexter School Board met on June 30th for a brief meeting.  Below are the minutes of that meeting as presented by the Board of Education.

Call to Order/Roll Call/Pledge  The Board President announces the meeting is to begin, ascertains the attendance status of Board members, and leads in the saying of the Pledge of Allegiance.

Consent Agenda  The Consent Agenda was approved: the minutes of the Approve Minutes of May 17, 2016, Regular Board Meeting and May 31 and June 14 Special Board Meetings.

Public Comments - NONE

Old Business - The Board approved Policy GCBDA as presented.

New Business
A.  The Board approved the 2016 Technology plan as presented.

      The Board approved a 3-year technology plan in compliance with the Dept. of Elementary and Secondary Education.  The plan outlines goals and objectives to support existing technology and and a plan for the future.  Specific goals are to enhance instruction and improve academic achievement, integrate technology into the curriculum, develop and maintain high speed networks in the district and to continue to provide timely and effective staff training related to technology.

B.  The Board approved the district student handbooks for the 2016-17 school year.

C.  The Board approved the Student Worker Program –Transition Skills program as presented by Mrs. Amy James.

      A new Transition Skills Program developed for special education students at Dexter High School was introduced by program Director of Special Services Amy James.  Under this new program students will have an opportunity to be cafeteria assistants during fourth and fifth hours of the school day, earning two dollars an hour for their work.  they would be students in Lacy Bennett's Special Services program at Dexter High School.

D.  The board approved a $500k transfer from Fund 1 to Fund 4.

E.  The Board approved a tentative budget for 2016-17.

Discussion Items
A.  The 2015-16 Transportation reports were presented to the board.

      The Board also reviewed the 2016 annual school bus inspection results from the Department of Public Safety within the Missouri State Highway Patrol.  Dexter's approval rate was 80% after 25 buses were inspected.  None of Dexter's buses were designated to be out of service.  Twenty buses were approved and five were found to have basic defects which could mean a light bulb was out.  Those basic defects pose no danger to bus passengers and the items will be corrected.

B.   MSBA 2016 Policy updates were discussed and will be approved during the July meeting.

C.   The District Student Discipline Reports for the 2015-16 year were presented to the board.

D.   High school nurse Linda Milam provided a May report along with a summary for the year.

In Executive Session:

Accepted resignation from SW Elementary paraprofessional Daniel McCoy.

Accepted resignation from SW Elementary paraprofessional Kayla Hammons.

Accepted resignation from SW Elementary building aide Lisa Bien.

Approved employment for the 2016-17 school year.
Christin Stone HS Social Studies teacher.
Debra Stogsdill Central Elementary teacher.
Jerrica Clark Central Special Services teacher.

Approved adjustment of the Administration Salary Index for 2016-2019 as presented.

Last Updated on July 07th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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Richland Earns Gold Star School Award
July 07th 2016 by Dee Loflin
Richland Earns Gold Star School Award

Essex, Missouri - Richland High School is one of only eight schools in the state of Missouri to earn the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE's) 2016 Gold Star School Award.

Missouri’s Gold Star Schools program was established by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education in 1991 and is designed to identify schools that are performing at a high level academically or making exceptional progress.

The National Blue Ribbon Schools program and the Missouri Gold Star Schools program utilize the same criteria for nomination. In order to recommend a school to the Commissioner of Education as a Missouri Gold Star School, the school must meet the nomination criteria outlined by the U.S. Department of Education for the National Blue Ribbon Schools program, complete the National Blue Ribbon Schools application and the U.S. Department of Education must accept the schools National Blue Ribbon Schools application.

The Blue Ribbon Schools Program recognizes schools whose students achieve at very high levels or schools that make significant progress in closing the achievement gap. The Blue Ribbon Schools Program sets a standard of excellence for all schools striving for the highest level of achievement.

Missouri may nominate up to eight (8) schools for the national Blue Ribbon Award. One-third of the schools (3) must be identified as disadvantaged schools. To be nominated, schools must have at least 100 students enrolled. In addition, nominated schools must have assessment data for at least 10 students in each tested grade for both English language arts (ELA) and mathematics.

Richland is the only school in southeast Missouri and the only high school recipient.  Other schools include Adrian Elementary, Chapel Hill Elementary in North Kansas City, Fairway Elementary in the Rockwood District, Harry S. Truman in Webb City, James E. Freer Elementary in the Windsor School District, Lucy Franklin Elementary in Blue Springs and William Yates Elementary in Blue Springs.

Last Updated on July 07th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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Mary Kate Miller Receives Stoddard County Republican Club Scholarship
July 05th 2016 by Dee Loflin
Mary Kate Miller Receives Stoddard County Republican Club Scholarship

Dexter, Missouri - Mary Kate Miller is the 2016 recipient of a $500 scholarship given by the Stoddard County Republican Club.

She is pictured receiving the check from Ashley Mayer, Chairperson of the Scholarship Committee.

Mary Kate is the daughter of Mike and Candy Miller.

She is active in Fellowship of Christian Athletes and is a member of the Dexter Honor Society, Student Council, Future Business Leaders of America, Future Teachers of America, Rotary Interact.  She also attended Missouri Girl’s State during the summer of 2015.

After graduation, Mary Kate plans to attend college and obtain a degree in nursing.  She then plans to pursue a degree in Advanced Practice Nursing.

Last Updated on July 05th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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Caroline Robison Attends UMC Mini Medical School
June 29th 2016 by Dee Loflin
Caroline Robison Attends UMC Mini Medical School

Bloomfield, Missouri - Caroline Robison, a senior at Bloomfield High School, was among 112 students selected for participation in the University of Missouri School of Medicines High School Mini Medical School (HSMMS).

Robison is the 17-year old daughter of Bill and Tracy Robison of Bloomfield.

The program, now in its 18th year, is designed to give high school seniors who are already interested in medical careers a one-week preview of medical school.  Students will attend one of two summer session from June 19th to June 23rd or from June 26th to June 30th. 

During the session, Caroline participated in a medical-school style curriculum, which included problem-based learning, a method of teaching that that combines independent learning in small groups with patient care cases.  Student also participated in sessions with clinical and research specialists; gained hands-on experience in anatomy, microbiology and clinical skills; interacted with medical school students, faculty and staff; and attended seminars on college and medical school life.

"We learned different techniques for stitching wounds and spent time in the anatomy lab where we explored actual muscles, bones, and tissues," commented Robison.  "The simulation lab was a great experience! I delivered a (model) baby, intubated a mannequin, and practiced laparoscopic surgery on a simulator."

Caroline is exploring various healthcare careers this summer, including medicine and pharmacy.  She will be a student at Ole Miss for one month to participate in the pre-pharmacy track of their Summer College for High School Students. She will move in Monday, July 4th and take seven credit hours as well as test the waters away from home.  She will apply to multiple schools to explore opportunities in medicine or pharmacy. 

This girl is going to go far and we wish her the best of luck during her senior year at Bloomfield High School!

For more information about HSMMS, contact Alex Horn, Program Coordinator for the MU Office of Medical Education, at (573) 882-9219.

Last Updated on June 29th 2016 by Dee Loflin

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